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The BFD. Photoshop by Lushington Brady.

With just hours to go to before Avi Yemini’s book launch in Wellington last night, the Cathedral of St Paul cancelled the hall hire that Avi Yemini and Rebel News booked months ago.

Avi says:

And instead of just admitting they were scared, they tried to blame me and my views – even though they knew exactly who I was when we booked the venue, and my views haven’t changed! But how do you find a new venue for hundreds of people on just a few hours notice? Well, this is New Zealand. And one thing Maori are known for is being warriors. So we asked our friend, Pastor Brian Tamaki, if he could help us move our Wellington event to the Destiny Church in the city. And they agreed, saving the day!

It appears that far-left extremists bombarded and harassed a female reverend at the cathedral with emails.

Threatening a book launch with violence is no better than burning a book. It’s barbaric. And threatening a church is even lower. This meets the dictionary definition of terrorism: violence, or the threat of violence, to achieve political goals. This is starting to be a pattern in New Zealand.

A few months ago, a British advocate for women’s rights, Posie Parker, was physically assaulted by left-wing activists while on tour in New Zealand. Police stood by doing nothing, and it was only after a public outcry that they finally pressed charges.

It’s almost as if the New Zealand government condones violence – if it is against their political enemies. That’s why it’s so important that New Zealand politicians condemn this political terrorism and that New Zealand police and prosecutors investigate the threateners.

Rebel News

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