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Has the clock struck midnight for Jacinderella? Digital Image: Lushington Brady.

As the “princess” Jacinda Ardern prepares to remove her glass-slippered foot from our collective throat (if we promise to be good that is), it’s well to remember, and be grateful for, how she saved our lives by going hard and early: to Ratana, that is, then Fiji.

At that time ‘dirty tricks’ National’s Michael Woodhouse had been spreading nasty rumours, suggesting that the government should take this looming threat much more seriously, a day after Oceania’s first COVID carrier – in Melbourne on January 25th – had been reported, saying “There isn’t enough being done about this.” That statement earned a retort from brightest-bulb in the Labour box Greg O’Connor who called Woodhouse “Trumplike”, said it was “outrageous”, and assured us it was all “fake news” with no basis in truth.

The BFD.

We should all thank our lucky Labour stars to have had such leadership giants among us at the very time the virus was darkening our doorstep.

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