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The BFD.

The stupidity of the mainstream media, who appear to feed endlessly off the troll farm that is Twitter, seems to be growing exponentially.

Take this tweet:

The stupid is strong in this one. The math is pretty basic. It is 327,000,000 x $1,000,000 = 327,000,000,000,000.

In words, it is 327 trillion dollars!

Michael Bloomberg is rich, but he’s not that rich. Now for the fun part:

Yep, the MSBNC really are that stupid. It wasn’t true; the only thing that is disturbing is just how stupid the media are.

Charles C. Cooke points out the enormousness of the error.

Obviously, the math here is spectacularly off. If Michael  Bloomberg had divided the money he spent on his presidential run evenly among Americans, we would each have got $1.53, not $1 million. For  Bloomberg to give $1 million to each American, he would have to be worth $327 trillion (in cash), which, for context, is around 17 times American GDP and about five-and-a-half thousand times what he’s actually worth. The scale of the error here is galactic.

National Review

One thing the media won’t say but has now been proven yet again, is that money CAN’T buy you an election. Bloomberg spent like a million drunken sailors and still lost.

Which brings me to another media lie that has flowed around the world.

Except that was Fake News, based on a seriously dodgy poll. Politifact reports:

CNN, Esquire and other  American mainstream news media reported incorrectly on a survey examining consumers’ feelings about the coronavirus and Corona beer.

Some of those news stories, shared on Facebook, were topped by this errant headline:

“Poll Finds 38% of Americans Say They Will Not Drink Corona Beer Because of Virus.”

The post was flagged as part of Facebook’s efforts to combat false news and misinformation on its News Feed. (Read more about our partnership with Facebook.)

The survey was done by a New York City firm, 5W Public Relations. The firm announced  the results on Feb. 27, 2020, as public health concerns rose in the United States. The next day President Donald Trump held a news  conference about the nation’s response to coronavirus.

The survey “via phone” of 737 American beer drinkers over age 21 on Feb. 25 and 26 was done “regarding their opinions about the popular Mexican beer brand, Corona, as a result of the deadly coronavirus that’s spreading around the world,” the PR firm’s news release said.

So, this was a survey of beer drinkers, not of Americans overall.

The first result reported in the release:

“38% of beer-drinking Americans would not buy Corona under any circumstances now.”

The release also does not say whether the survey was representative of American beer drinkers.

Given that Americans’ taste in beer is seriously dreadful, I’m surprised that the number wasn’t higher. But hey, who cares when you have a failing news industry to bolster.

The mainstream media want us to trust them, yet they constantly lie, mis-speak or make stuff up. Little wonder they are dying.
