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Fakefugee Locusts Exploit New Loopholes

Here we go again.

Thanks to the watermelon wreckers of the last parliament, Australia is once again being plagued with fakefugees and their boat-chasing lawyers. When the likes of Kerryn Phelps, whose six months in parliament was half a year too long, and Labor’s unflushable Quota Queen, Kristina Keneally, forced through their “Medevac” bill, they swore black and blue that it wouldn’t be exploited.

But, lo and behold, the skiving would-be economic migrants on Manus and Nauru who refuse to sod off and go home have rushed to exploit their latest hand-up from clueless Australian leftists.

Head of Operation Sovereign Borders, Craig Furini, told a Senate Estimates hearing on Monday 135 asylum seekers had been transferred to Australia from offshore detention for medical treatment since the legislation passed in March.

Of those transferred, only 13 people – one in 10 – had been hospitalised while five refused treatment.

So, they were so sick that they needed to be rushed here for emergency treatment unavailable in Papua New Guinea…but almost none of them actually needed to go to hospital?

“This was always a bill about getting people here through a back door,” he told 3AW on Tuesday. “It’s without precedent that you have a government being dictated to, being told that people must come to your country, and then when they’ve received the medical attention they can’t be returned back to their country of origin or back to Nauru or Papua New Guinea.”

Mr Dutton said six asylum seekers who came to Australia under the legislation presented serious concerns, but he was powerless to stop their passage into the country…

Home Affairs Department secretary Mike Pezzullo told the hearing on Monday it was a “grievous flaw in the legislation” that detainees could be brought to Australia for assessment without the ability to return them to offshore processing.

It’s not a “grievous flaw”: it was the whole point of the bill. The open borders idiots were determined to bring these shiftless criminals to Australia by any means necessary, knowing perfectly well that, once here, they’d never shove off. Why would they give up all that sweet, sweet welfare?

No doubt emboldened by the left’s renewed white-anting of border security, grifting illegals are once again flooding the system with vexatious “appeals”.

The Administrative Appeals Tribunal is struggling to meet unprecedented demand as it is inundated with a record number of cases for review, predominantly of failed refugees and migrants.

Appearing before Senate estimates on Tuesday, AAT registrar Sian Leathem said there was a record 60,595 lodgements in the last financial year with the tribunal able to finalise 44,413 applications…The backlog of active cases has grown from 17,480 to 62,476 and is getting worse each month. Even if each case involved only one person, the total number involved would equal the population of Wagga Wagga in NSW or Shepparton in Victoria.

Remember when that smug open borders git, Julian Burnside, smirked that allowing boats here would never lead to a flood of illegal immigrants?


The First Falcons of Spring

The First Falcons of Spring

The Collins St falcons are, like Japan’s Nara island where wild deer are strictly protected, an example of how the simplest human adaptations can help wildlife thrive in cities.

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