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Fashionable Foolishness

Full credit to the minister for his pragmatism in ignoring the pressure to fall into line with this totally unnecessary change.

Photo by Rachel / Unsplash

Sir Bob Jones

Is the Land Information Minister Chris Penk bi-sexual?

I pose the question given the opening line in Stuff’s the Post ascribing him in the fashionable plural, normally in brackets, such as (he, him, it) and the like, but in this case, specifically “Land Information Minister Chris Penk have declined the proposal to rename “Petone”, “Pito-one”.

The more likely explanation is Stuff incompetence arising from financial pressure and their lack of proofreaders.

This “Pito-one” name-change crap, on the most trivial grounds, drew the support of the local wets, including the current Hutt mayor who’s positively drowning. His previous career was as a government clerk.

Anyway, full credit to the minister for his pragmatism in ignoring the pressure to fall into line with this totally unnecessary change.

This article was originally published by No Punches Pulled.
