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Fear. Photoshopped image credit Luke. The BFD.

Kevin B

Fear is a powerful natural human emotion.  It is “the unpleasant feeling you have when you think that you are in danger” (Collins Dictionary).

Sadly, the wicked in society know how to generate and manipulate fear as a weapon against society in order to sell books, manipulate election outcomes, and to create crises, panic and hysteria. It can be generated from misinformation, disinformation and mal-information which can spread quickly in modern society.

While everyone agrees that these mis-, dis- and mal-information things are bad and should be rooted out at their source, the issue becomes more difficult when powerful players (government, big business) are the source of deceitful practices and are using them against the wider population in order to manipulate or control behaviour.

How can we stop the powerful from misusing that power against us? They have the money and power. We only have our limited knowledge, suspicions, common sense, and the strength of numbers. But if we speak of our concerns and suspicions we are pounced on by the powerful and we are labelled as “conspiracy theorists”, as if it were something bad. They will pick on any small part of our argument in order to dismiss both us and our concerns. They have an army of paid “experts” and lawyers whose purpose in life is to support the chosen narrative of the powerful rather than what is right and true.

What examples do we have in recent years of the powerful manipulating us?

Facebook, Twitter and media censorship exaggerated projections of death from the Covid 19 virus, they silenced concerns about excess and sudden deaths following mRNA jabs, there were declarations of a “Climate Emergency” without scientific proof, imposition of mask mandates and social distancing with no science to support it…There are many more.  All these things – mandates, coercion, censorship, misinformation – are being used against the average citizen by the powerful, including our own government. The NZ Government even claimed to be our “one source of truth”!

One Source of Truth. Image credit Wibble. The BFD.

It has reached a point where people are overly afraid to voice their concerns and suspicions. And it is dangerous to listen to common sense! We are afraid of losing our jobs, our social media accounts, our customers, and indeed our whole culture and country. Now we are even afraid to go to protests as we may get arrested on trumped-up charges, as Leighton Baker and Brian Tamaki have been. Fear has us in its grip!


Labour’s Antisemitism Problem

Labour’s Antisemitism Problem

Labour in the UK had a terrible anti-Semitism issue, so much so they needed an inquiry and the removal of some MPs. Labour in New Zealand seems to have a similar issue, but are strangely silent on the issue, even as their MPs signal support for the genocidal attacks against Israel on Oct 7.

Members Public
Moron of the Day

Moron of the Day

Judge Harding told Richard Sivell the maximum penalty for threatening to kill is seven years imprisonment. Sivell will be sentenced on 07 January.

Members Public