Back in the bad, old days, women knew their place – which meant keeping their pretty little mouths shut and not interrupting the menfolk. Men took care of the serious business, while women obediently had babies.
We’ve come a long way since then, though. Nowadays, we’re firmly on the road to the rainbow, “progressive” utopia.
Where a woman’s place is to keep her mouth shut and not interrupt the menfolk.
Former Olympic weightlifter Tracey Lambrechs says females are being told to “be quiet” when they complain about the fairness of transgender New Zealand athlete Laurel Hubbard competing in women’s competitions.
“Laurel” is, of course, really Gavin – and Gavin is a hulking bloke. But, hefty as he might be, ol’ Gav’ is a bit pants as a weightlifter. At least, when competing fairly against other men.
But these days, if you can’t succeed as a man, then play like a girl.
Hubbard, 43, competed in men’s weightlifting competitions before transitioning in 2013.SheHe has been eligible to compete in the Olympics since 2015, when the International Olympic Committee issued guidelines allowing any transgender athlete to compete as a woman provided their testosterone levels are below 10 nanomoles per litre for at least 12 months before their first competition.
Many scientists have criticised these guidelines, saying they do little to mitigate the biological advantages of those who have gone through puberty as males, including bone and muscle density[…]
Australia’s weightlifting federation sought to block Hubbard from competing at the 2018 Commonwealth Games on the Gold Coast but organisers rejected the move.
Rival weightlifters and coaches at the Commonwealth Games also complained. Hubbard suffered a potentially career-ending injury while lifting in the 90+kg division.
What, did he prolapse his non-existent uterus?
Naturally, actual women are a bit miffed at having to go up against a brick shithouse in a skirt. So miffed, that they’re forgetting their place and speaking up.
“I’m quite disappointed, quite disappointed for the female athlete who will lose out on that spot,” Lambrechs, who won a bronze medal for New Zealand at the 2018 Commonwealth Games, told TVNZ.
“We’re all about equality for women in sport but right now that equality is being taken away from us.
“I’ve had female weightlifters come up to me and say, ‘what do we do? This isn’t fair, what do we do?’. Unfortunately, there’s nothing we can do because every time we voice it we get told to be quiet.”
Quite right, too: haven’t they got babies to give birth to, or something? After all, as one of Guardian writer Owen Jones’s defenders said, men have every right to “absolutely have access to a birthing person”.
So, there’s your place in “progressive”, “inclusive” 2021, ladies: shut up, have babies, and let the men smash you into the ground.
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