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Ferald Celebrates Men Punching Women

An elderly woman bashed by the Herald’s “vulnerable population”. The BFD. Photoshop by Lushington Brady.

According to the dimwits at the Ferald, merely criticising someone’s views is tantamount to inciting violence against them, even murder. Yes, they really are that stupid. But, to run with their own moronic argument: is the NZ Herald inciting the murder of women?

That’s the only logical conclusion, if they really believed their own illogic, from their gutless defence of the unhinged violence against women in Auckland, this week.

British anti-trans campaigner Kellie-Jay Keen-Minshull – widely known as Posie Parker – left the country last night after she was doused in tomato juice and blocked from speaking at an event in Auckland’s Albert Park.

Every time the legacy media refer to a women’s rights campaigner as “anti-trans”, they are tacitly admitting that “trans rights” are anti-woman. But, I digress.

“Doused with tomato juice” constitutes an assault under the Crimes Act. As Community Law’s website makes clear, “It includes when you do this indirectly – by throwing something for example”.

And repeatedly punching an old woman in the face, as one men’s rights activist in Auckland was filmed doing? You better believe that’s an assault.

Yet, the NZ Herald wants to defend these crimes and those who incited them.

By their own logic, the Herald is inciting violence against women.

In a staggering act of hypocrisy and victim-blaming, the Herald goes one worse, trotting out the old misogynist chestnut: She was asking for it.

It seems convenient for free speech to be used to justify harmful rhetoric against a vulnerable population.

Do the Herald’s “vulnerable populations” include diminutive British women and elderly New Zealand women, surrounded by a baying, demented mob, attacked and punched?

If that isn’t bad enough, the Herald resorts to lying by omission in order to try and claim that the men attacking women are the “real victims”.

For context, although underreported, last year saw 327 reported murders of trans and gender-diverse people between October 1, 2021 and September 30, 2022. With 222 cases, Latin America and the Caribbean remains the region that reported most of the murders.

For context, almost all of those murders took place in the context of prostitution and/or illegal drug use. Both of those are notoriously violent life choices, but ones which transgenders nonetheless choose in droves. 12% of transgenders admit to being prostitutes: more than 20 times the number of women. Prostitution is a notably dangerous lifestyle: 58% of prostitutes are assaulted, up to 12 times a year.

The high-risk life choices don’t end there. Transgenders are five times as likely as the general population to have HIV.

If transgenders are “vulnerable”, it’s because they choose incredibly risky lifestyles.

Yet, the Herald’s own statistics show that, for all their dangerous life choices, transgenders are, in fact, not especially “vulnerable” to murder. On the Herald’s own number, the global rate of murder of trannies is 2.7/100k. For the general population, the rate is 6.1/100k.

Transgenders are half as likely to be murder victims as the general population.

In fact, transgenders are a far greater danger to other people than vice-versa. UK statistics show that trannies are twice as likely to be murderers as murdered.

As the statistics, and the deranged violence in Auckland, proves, women have very good reason to be afraid of men who think they’re women.

As hate speech remains unregulated, it means the only option for those bearing the brunt of abuse online is to either report said abuse to social media platforms who have little skin in the game, or limit engagement entirely. The result is a vacuum of the loudest voices, which threatens democracy.

NZ Herald

These people are demented budgies attacking their own violent, unhinged reflections in the mirror.
