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Fiddling with DEI While the World Burns

While the world is at the most dangerous junction since the 1930s, America’s military is totally unprepared.

They really believe this nonsense. The Good Oil.

Anyone ever get the feeling we’ve been here before? A tidal wave of ugly anti-Semitism, authoritarian dictatorships building up massive armies and attempting to flex their geopolitical clout and the forces of the free West steadily enfeebled by ‘progressive’ utopianism.

In the 1920s and ’30s, the ‘disarmament’ and ‘peace’ movements resulted in the steady degrading of Britain and France’s armed forces. Even when those countries could have easily crushed the fledgling Nazi state, when it reoccupied the Rhineland in 1936, craven policy allowed Hitler to proceed unmolested.

Fast forward nearly a century and the Western superpower, the United States, is in grave danger of repeating history.

America’s odds of fighting a major war are the highest in 80 years, and its military isn’t prepared for one.

This was the finding of a bipartisan panel tasked by Congress to review U.S. defense strategy. Its nearly 100-page report reveals a crisis of confidence in American national security.

The commission chides a Pentagon it considers too plodding, a Congress it considers too partisan and multiple administrations it says have been too complacent to address threats from China, Russia and countries in the Middle East.

Not to mention successive administrations that wasted vast amounts of precious blood and treasure in an obviously futile attempt to impose democracy and pride parades on the violent shitholes of the Middle East. In fighting decades of Forever War that only served to fatten the pockets of the military-industrial complex, venal American governments have sapped the will of the American people at a critical juncture in history.

Then, of course, there’s the ideological purge enacted by the Biden administration. Rather than recruit the most lethal fighting force possible, which is, after all, the whole point of a military, far-left ‘progressives’ have embarked on a lunatic crusade to turn the US military into a cross between a feminist collective and a San Francisco bathhouse.

“The nation was last prepared for such a fight during the Cold War, which ended 35 years ago,” the report reads. “It is not prepared today” […]

The commission’s argument is almost as simple as supply and demand. In its eyes, America faces a much more dangerous world, with competitors that are either more willing to go to war, in the case of Russia, or much closer to being a military peer, in the case of China.

But as those threats have emerged – or even merged given that many of America’s adversaries are now working more closely together – the report argues that the U.S. hasn’t grown stronger in proportion. Instead, the country has proceeded largely as usual, or even with more dysfunction. Examples include budgets that are too small, spending bills passed too late, legacy weapons preferred over new ones and a public either unaware of the challenges America faces or unmotivated to respond.

Well… no shit.

But at least they offer free sex changes for male fetishists.

But legislation and money do little to solve what the commission calls America’s biggest issue: the home front.

Recruitment is plummeting. Which is hardly surprising that, at the same time, the West has raised a generation of narcissists who think men can get pregnant and being a woman is a fetish dress-up, Western elites are shitting all over the sort of traditional values that motivated generations of military families. And, given the shocking treatment meted out to veterans, while illegal immigrants are showered with free housing and welfare, why would anyone bother to fight for a country which clearly doesn’t give a rat’s arse about them?

Where do we really think this is all heading?

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