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Finally, a Resolution to ALL Treaty Issues

The BFD.

It seems that the lefties have finally done something useful and worthwhile. The Universities and Colleges Union in the UK has declared that anyone should be allowed to ‘identify’ as black (or, presumably, Maori) regardless of the colour of their skin or background.

The union, which represents 120,000 academics, set out their stance after facing criticism over the labelling of transgender people, saying they support self-identification in a variety of areas.

UCU has a long history of enabling members to self-identify whether that is being black, disabled, LGBT+ or women. At UCU’s annual congress and further and higher education conferences, policy on gender identity has been developed over many years.  


Finally, I can get a sticker to park in those empty spaces close to the supermarket door!

I can qualify for any race-based handouts, I can wear any national costume I choose without being accused of cultural appropriation and I can get changed in the women’s dressing room at the pool.

I presume that like gender fluidity, there will be an equally fluid approach to race. I can be Maori one day, Mexican the next, Russian when I need a visitor visa for Moscow and so on.

Perhaps Elizabeth Warren, aka Fauxcahontas and Bruce Pascoe were simply ahead of their time.

I hope that the CoL is looking into fully funding racectomy procedures for those of us who wish to transition as it would be extremely discriminatory if the fully funded procedures and ongoing drug regimes continued to be restricted only to those who wish to transition between genders.


State of the Nation 2025

State of the Nation 2025

That government agencies are effectively thumbing their noses at official directives and getting away with it without consequences is totally unacceptable. Until the coalition confronts and defeats this ‘enemy within’, their own policy platform remains largely ineffective.

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