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Finally, the Govt Is Going after the Real Entitled Pricks

I’ll make it real easy for you: It’s. Not. Your. Parking. Space.

Photo by Jubbar J. / Unsplash

Well, it’s about time

“The Government wants to “get tough” on the “selfish behaviour” of people who misuse car parks reserved for disabled people by hiking the fine by 400 per cent.

[…] Louise Upston, the Minister for Disability Issues, today said misusing car parks for disabled people was the “epitome of arrogance” and the financial penalty will increase from $150 to $750.

[…] “Increasing this will send a very clear message that this behaviour is not okay, and our Government is serious about addressing accessibility issues.”

[…] CCS Disability Action, which administers the mobility parking scheme, welcomed the announcement and said it would make a “real difference” for its 170,000 users.

“Mobility parking abuse is rife in New Zealand,” access and infrastructure national manager BJ Clark said.

If you take drive down to, say, Glen Innes Pak’n’Save, chances are that just about every mobility car park will have someone, usually brown, sitting in the passenger seat, staring blankly. And with no mobility sticker in sight. 

[…] The AA is also onboard, principal policy adviser Terry Collins saying it is “outrageous that able-bodied people park in disabled parks and prevent those people who need the park from having it”.

[…] Collins said it was appropriate for the Government to be looking at these fees and the AA supported the changes as well.

[…] The Ministry of Transport will support local government and the towage and storage sector to implement the fee increases by October 1.

There will be some reading who say to themselves: ‘I’ll just park in the mobility spot. No one’s using it. If someone comes along I’ll move then.’

So granny is supposed to get out of her car, walk over to your car using her walker, tap on your window, and say, “Please sir, would you kindly move your vehicle so I can park mine here?” Fuck off.

And as for ‘I’ll be a couple of minutes.’ Yeah, right.

Here, I’ll make it real easy for you. It’s. Not. Your. Parking. Space.

Of course this is more symbolic than anything else. On one side, the entitled rich pricks will just pay the penalty like it’s nothing. And on the other side, the penalty will just be ignored. But on the off chance the latter is forced to pay, at least it will mean less money for meth and ciggies.

And we all know how much they love their meth in Glen Innes.


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