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Finally the Government are Listening on Housing Policy

Megan Woods, Minister for Pies and Cakes. The BFD

You may recall Princess Jacinda mumbling something last week about the CoL being “A government for infrastructure, a government for housing and some other equally meaningless, truth-adjacent word-soup.

Well, of course we all scoffed, as anyone who hasn’t been in a coma for the last two and a bit years knows that this government is nothing more than a government for extravagant promises, a government for unexpected consequences and a government for the criminal and the feckless.

It seems that as a part of their recently released $300 million bribe package policy announcement, the Government have declared that they will “Set up temporary housing villages”.

Well, it is good to see that they have finally admitted that I know best and have announced that they will be instituting one of my suggestions which I wrote in an article back in Dec 2018, about bringing back the Trailer Park.

In that old article, I brought up the temporary housing that had been in place in Kaikoura after the earthquake there and gave a few options for simple, removable homes that could be purchased by new home buyers but placed on Government or Council owned land. Something that might look like this.

Modern modular homes in an attractive setting.

As I said then, “Come on Mr Twyford, how about looking outside the square a little? There are plenty of other options out there other than just buying little expensive townhouses off developers”. Although it looks like they are still planning to buy up plenty of townhouses, this time for public housing, not first home ownership.

Of course, it won’t be the King of Ineptitude Phil Twyford running this, it will be the Queen of Cakes Megan Woods in charge of spending your money this time, and we all know that she is particularly fetching in a hardhat and hi-vis so of course she is the obvious choice. Well, that and the fact that J.A.G. is busy not cycling anywhere and not being at home for her baby.

The BFD. Megan Woods. Minister for Pies, Cakes and Trailer Trash.

Of course, the devil will be in the detail. My suggestions, however, are very unlikely to be what we will get. And of course, it will be massively more expensive. In fact, given this hopeless Government’s track record of being tits at everything they do, the chance of any trailer parks even being started is pretty remote. The entire policy will no doubt be re-calibrated, targets will be revised into oblivion, and start times will be delayed. You just know it is going to look more like this if they do manage to do anything.

The BFD. And what’s worse is the tenant will now have to pay 25% of their income!

Now if you happen to be a leftist troll who’s just dropped in here at The BFD to pour scorn on all us ‘Alt right Extremists’, and you struggle to believe that your beloved socialist leader’s ideas will never get off the ground, I would remind you of their flagship Kiwibuild policy, the $20 million dollar train track to Tauranga and the incredible disappearing Dominion Road Tram.

Actually, while I’m thinking about it, whatever happened to the 4000 Mt Albert Unitec homes that Twyford announced? A certain Mr Slater told us back in March 2018 that these clowns were dreaming about that too. Perhaps they are just re-calibrating that one a bit. Seems that nothing much has changed.

I guess however that this Government has to do something, anything actually. They promised in 2017 that they would rid New Zealand of not only poverdy but homelessness too, and they will no doubt be mightily embarrassed at their complete and utter failure in this area. As the little red line below shows, from 2017 to the end of 2019, the number of people on public housing waiting lists has ballooned from around 5000 applicants to around 14,000. And those are only the Applicants with Priority A or B status, whatever that means. Who knows how many are on the Not Very Prioritised C, D or E status. I wonder just how many statuses there are, and what the real number of needy is.

The BFD. Source: Government plans to buy and rent about 800 more houses, and set up ‘temporary housing villages’ as part of $300m investment to reduce homelessness

Remind me again when it was that Jacinda, Winston, and the Marxist Gunts took over running the country? Oh yeah, right about when that little red line started heading for the stratosphere.

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