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“Find Other Markets”: Government’s China Advice

The Xi regime is bringing the iron fist down in no uncertain terms, both at home and abroad. At home, the Chinese Communist Party summarily squashed what would have been the world’s biggest stockmarket debut when it abruptly suspended the IPO of Jack Ma’s Ant Group Co.

Abroad, the primary target of China’s bullying is Australia. Australia is a prime target for Xi’s wrath: a middle power, small enough to bully, whose leadership has had the unmitigated temerity to try and call Beijing to account for its unleashing of the Wuhan plague on the world.

Australia’s politicians and business community have also grossly over-exposed the nation to pressure from the communist nation, by spending years greedily chasing the yuan and turning a blind eye to the fact that they were happily taking money from a brutal, genocidal dictatorship. Watching cashed-up exporters crying poor because the river of money from the 21st century’s leading totalitarian regime is drying up, is a bit hard to take seriously. The Scott Morrison government has a blunt rejoinder to such whingers.

Senior Morrison government officials have advised China-exposed businesses to “find other markets” during a crisis phone hook-up on Thursday ahead of a threatened ban on exports worth $6bn a year.

Industry participants on the call told The Australian the Thursday afternoon hook-up was organised by the government’s key trade agency, Austrade, and included a briefing from Australia’s trade counsellor in Beijing and senior officials from the ­Department of Agriculture.

“Find another market,” was one summary of the meeting.

Perhaps these greedy clowns will finally wise up to the fact that they’re dealing with a communist dictatorship and all that that entails.

It doesn’t help that the political class, even in government circles, is seeded with useful idiots who continue to be blinded by the dazzle of the yuan.

Trade Minister Simon Birmingham, who has been one of the ministers most supportive of the China relationship within the Morrison government, asked for an explanation from Australia’s biggest trading partner.

“Continued uncertain and inconsistent messages from China are heightening risks and undermine the statements made by President Xi,” he said.

“If China is to be true to the statements of its government, then it should provide confidence that normal Customs and related processes will apply to imports of goods such as seafood and wine.”

Fears among exporters rose after Australian wine destined for the Shanghai trade show was blocked at Customs. More than $2m of live Australian rock lobster was spoiled after a four-day delay at Shanghai Pudong Airport[…]

James Laurenceson, director of the Australia-China Relations Institute, said if the ban went ahead it would be “catastrophic for China’s reputation as a trading partner that plays by the rules.”

What a laughably obtuse statement. Who on earth is under any delusion that China plays by the rules?

The sooner Australia decouples its economy from China’s tentacles, the better. This is not just an economic issue, it comes down to basic national security.

Not to mention morals.

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