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First Australian Company Pushes Forced Vaccines

“It’s for your own good, you know”. The BFD.

Well, that’s another conspiracy theory that bites the dust. Not because it’s been disproven – quite the opposite.

Because conspiracy theories – in the pejorative sense – thrive on lack of proof. Conspiracy theorists likewise thrive on seeing themselves as custodians of secrets known only to a few. The last thing a really hardcore conspiracy theorist wants is for their favourite conspiracy to become mainstream fact.

So that’s the death of the forced vaccines conspiracy theory, then.

Fruit and vegetable processor SPC has become the first Australian company to mandate vaccines for all onsite staff and visitors.

The Shepparton-based cannery wants all its 450 onsite workers to be fully vaccinated by November, in what could be a legal test-case for the country.

SPC chair Hussein Rifai told News Breakfast the company had implemented very strict COVID-control protocols but the Delta variant demands a different response.

“We believe that the only way that we can get out and protect our employees and our customers, and the communities in which we work is to go to the vaccine,” he said.

The last company I worked for offered its employees free flu vaccinations every year; but it was purely an individual choice. No one was forced to do anything.

When critics first started talking about forced vaccinations, they were derided as “crazy conspiracy theorists”. Except that they were right.

Governments have already been forcing vaccinations on public sector workers, under the vague, blanket dictatorship of “public health orders”. (Anyone who defends unlimited, arbitrary state power on “public health” grounds ought to consider the history of what governments have done before, in the name of “public health” and “the common good”: from lead-tainted “healthy lunches”, to the Tuskegee Syphilis Experiment, to the German T-4 program in 1939-41.)

As all authoritarians will, they’re framing their overreach as “for your own good”.

If workers are expecting their unions to stand up for their right not to be subjected to forced medical procedures, they are sadly misled.

The Australian Manufacturing Workers Union said they were told last night about the plan and will meet with the company on Monday.

Assistant National Secretary Jason Hefford said broadly the union wasn’t opposed but they wanted more discussion with the company.
“We do have concerns about people who are immunocompromised and have religious beliefs which prevent them from having the vaccine,” he said.

“And what is the indemnity for companies if someone has a blood clot?”

Mr Hefford said the union would be consulting with their members in the coming days.

So they’ll hem and haw, but fold like a cheap suit.

ACTU Secretary Sally McManus said the main issue was accessibility and ensuring workers didn’t lose shifts or pay due to getting a vaccine.

ABC Australia

No, the main issue is an adult’s right to choose what is done to their body.

Where does this dictatorial arrogance stop?

Forcing obese people onto starvation diets? Forcibly sterilising single mothers and deadbeat dads? Banning Indigenous people from alcohol, cigarettes, and sweets? How about forced abortions to control population growth?

Oh, pfft! Those are all crazy conspiracy theories.

Funny — so were forced vaccines, just a few months ago.

“It’s for your own good, you know”. The BFD.

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