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Par Mosman Council — originally posted to Flickr as Peter FitzSimons launches public appeal for funds to upgrade Mosman Cenotaph, CC BY 2.0,

Is Peter John FitzSimons for real or has he become the clueless clown of the rugby world? If he is for real then in political terms, like his heroine Jacinda Ardern, he has proven to be not very bright.

Having moistened his undies after last week’s Australian win over the All Blacks he fronts up on Newstalk ZB on Friday with all the arrogance one would expect from an overbearing Aussie blowhard. Now don’t get me wrong, I know some lovely Australians. In fact, I have a cousin married to one and he’s one of the nicest blokes you could meet. Now I could be kind to Peter FitzSimons and say he was just trying to stoke the fires as was reported. Somehow I don’t think so.

First, he took aim at the AB veterans for their sluggish play and said the loss was a sign the AB’s were on the decline. I wonder if he is still of that opinion? Then he said the changes made meant the coach had lost confidence in the team. I wonder if Peter noticed two of the newbies scored tries? He wondered how Sonny Bill was going to stack up against James O’Connor. If he was watching he wouldn’t have had to wonder for long.

Peter said he thought in Perth it was going to be an absolute slaughter. The AB’s were simply humiliated. I wonder if he’s bright enough to realise the boot is now back where it belongs. On the Aussie foot. And speaking of footwear, perhaps he might also realise the Wallabies aren’t quite the shoo-in for the World Cup he thought they were. There is a saying, Mr FitzSimons, that one swallow doesn’t make a summer. What your team had to swallow was a humiliating defeat with a big fat zero staring at you.

To return to a political analogy, what is it with the Left that they have this habit of engaging the mouth before the brain? Peter can perhaps take comfort from this quote from Winston Churchill – I have never developed indigestion from eating my words.

Looks like Peter’s in for a degustation. It’s a pity it will only add to the sour taste already inhabiting his mouth.
