Five years ago, Dr Tedros Ghebreyesus, the World Health Organization Director-General (and not a medical doctor), announced to the world that Covid-19 virus was a pandemic.
Covid is a time in history. We all remember exactly how we felt from the initial mention of a deadly virus and even more what happened to us after that. People considered rational, modern and educated succumbed to the greatest absurdities, fears and surveillance seen in this part of the world in our lifetime.
Prior to that WHO announcement, on 28 February, the first reports of computer modelling revealed that 80,000 Kiwis could die from this virus. Some Christians, so frightened, transferred their once unwavering faith in God to Big Pharma and began to believe in and obey their dictatorial leaders. There would be a dreadful death from this highly contagious pathogen. It’s so terrifying: you will suffocate. Exhausted medical staff will insert a ventilator tube down your throat to breathe in and out for you. Intensive care units, in crowded hospitals, run by desperate doctors and nurses will turn helpless intubated victims over every couple of hours.
No wonder many Kiwis were prepared to argue about a wonder injection that was on its way to save us all. The vaccine was the exit strategy. It became the issue that divided long-standing friends and family members. If people didn’t follow suit and do as they were told by doctors and politicians and get jabbed, then it was goodbye. People cruelly ostracised others who were mandated and lost their jobs. You have a choice: it’s over to you, but if you do not get the vaccine, you are not only cut off from your employment and income, you are cut off from my life.
The landscape in New Zealand has drastically changed. Truth has not emerged, so nothing is learnt. Helen Clark, former prime minister, weighed in about how Covid-19 originated, saying “We just don’t know,” since there wasn’t any “firm evidence”.
Much was written and discussed early on but since, most have clammed up. Conversations are stopped as people refuse to talk about what happened, let alone try to restore relationships. There is firm and ample evidence that everything about the Covid-19 virus and the vaccines was complete nonsense and people are angry. The leaders lied about everything: the origin of the virus, social distancing, masks, what they knew, what they didn’t know, existing treatments and vaccine efficacy and safety.
It wasn’t quite as dreadful as what the communists did to non-complying ‘peasants’ in Cuba.

But there was a measure of losing everything for many people in today’s Covid world: their health, income, relationships and a trusting way of living.
There has been massive public and political backlash against the virology community and public health in general, so we may be worse off now locally that we were prior to the pandemic,” said virologist Ralph Baric of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.
Professor Baric said earlier, with uncanny precision, in 2018:
of what the next pandemic would bring: a rush for bogus antiviral treatments, vast profits for companies making personal protective equipment, a global economic crash, and a rise in conspiracy theories claiming that the pandemic was designed by scientists.
If people are so naïve to think about anything other than captured experts, bought politicians, wealthy elite, gene therapy, gain-of-function research, bioweapon/biodefense warfare and fraud and a traumatised public… Waking up to the harsh reality is going to be a massive shock.