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Focused On ‘Grayndler, Not Gaza’

Each-Way Albo shows his true colours. The BFD. Photoshop by Lushington Brady.

The fallout from the Albanese government’s craven betrayal of Israel continues. It was bad enough that Albanese joined with Luxon and Trudeau in issuing a mealy-mouthed, gutless joint statement which is effectively a green light to Hamas. (Although even that was too harsh for the snaggle-toothed madwoman screeching and banging in NZ Labour’s attic, as we shall see.) But when the Labor and Labour parties backed the corrupt, anti-Semitic UN in demanding Israel cease fire in Gaza, it was an act of cowardly treachery of a piece with European leaders’ shocking betrayal of Czechoslovakia in 1938.

At least Chamberlain and Daladiere could plead an honourable if cowardly determination to avoid a general war: Anthony Albanese has no such excuse. Albanese’s snivelling cowardice is motivated by nothing more than naked, grubby politics. As the Coalition’s Julian Leeser said, Albanese is focussed solely on “Grayndler, not Gaza”; Western Sydney, not the West Bank. Grayndler is Albanese’s own seat, a formerly ultra-safe Labor seat under dire threat from the Greens. Western Sydney is both Labor and Muslim heartland.

Albanese is desperate to mollify both of these virulently anti-Semitic groups, as well as the violently anti-Israel feral left in his own party.

The Albanese government has been condemned by Israel, Jewish groups and the federal opposition for backing a UN resolution calling for an immediate ceasefire in Gaza in a move that placed Australia at odds with its closest allies, the US and Britain […]

The US opposed the resolution – which failed to mention Hamas – while Britain abstained.

It’s not as if Labor doesn’t know what a ceasefire really means.

The move followed Labor MP Josh Burns’s declaration on the ground in Israel this week that a premature ceasefire would only allow Hamas to regroup to attack the Jewish state again.

The opposition wasted no time condemning Albanese’s sleazy politicking. Leeser labelled it “tawdry”. “It’s about Labor’s tussle with the Greens rather than Australia’s support of free people.”

Opposition foreign affairs spokesman Simon Birmingham said the “weak and appalling step” by the government had undermined Israel’s position.

Jewish groups blasted the government, saying the position was inconsistent with its stated call for a “sustainable peace”.

Australia/Israel and Jewish Affairs Council executive director Colin Rubenstein said Australia’s position was “confusing and contradictory” […]

The Zionist Federation of Australia and the Executive Council of Australian Jewry issued a joint statement saying they were “deeply concerned by the government’s inconsistency”.

“The Australian government cannot have it both ways,” the groups said. “Either it stands by its position in the joint statement that recognises that Hamas must be removed from power and return all the hostages, or it supports a ceasefire which would allow Hamas to remain in power and deliver on its promise to repeat the attacks of October 7 at the earliest possible opportunity.”

The Australian
Opposition defence spokesperson Andrew Hastie has slammed the government’s “provocative” support for a UN General Assembly resolution that called for a ceasefire in the Gaza Strip.

“A ceasefire gives Hamas time to regroup, mass and strike Israel again,” Mr Hastie said in a statement. “It leaves them in power.

“When locked in combat, you don’t allow your enemy to rest. You finish the job.

“This is weak leadership from our Prime Minister. And weakness is provocative.”

The Australian

But weakness is Albanese and Foreign Minister Penny Wong’s stock in trade. But, for the feral, anti-Semitic Greens, even Albanese’s cowardice wasn’t enough, of course. Nothing short of Albanese chanting “from the River to the Sea” in Parliament would be enough for these genocidally anti-Israel creeps.

Speaking of genocidally anti-Israel creeps, no show of UN moral bankruptcy is complete without the Mrs Rochester of New Zealand politics shooting off her crook-fanged gob. Helen Clark, despite the horrors of October 7, is determinedly fangirling for the bloodthirsty terrorists of Hamas.

“Those who go deeper into the situation know that Hamas, of course, has a military wing that committed terrorist acts on the 7th of October and at other times, but it has also been a social and political movement.”

And those “social and political” wings are also dedicated entirely to the extermination of Jews. As Clark ought to know: the very organisation whose trough she so assiduously buries her snout in, is neck-deep in distributing Hamas propaganda to Palestinian children. Propaganda that repeatedly glorifies killing Jews.

Clark’s argument is as disgustingly vacuous as pointing out that the Nazi party also had social wings, too. From holiday camps for families, to youth organisations, the Nazis were a total package. So is Hamas.

Just as Germany was forcibly de-Nazified, at the cost of millions of civilian lives, Gaza must be forcibly de-Hamased: a few thousand civilian deaths is frankly getting off lightly.

But, as far as Clark seems to be concerned, the bloodthirsty butchers of October 7 aren’t even terrorists:

“Those previously designated, quote, ‘terrorists’”


Then again, Britain and America had their pro-Nazi factions back in the day, too. Britain’s Oswald Mosely, like Clark, was a socialist, too.

Such company the left keep.
