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Follow the Science: End Mandates Now

Freedom Village Credit: Aggie Zhang. The BFD. Credit: Aggie Zhang Credit: Aggie Zhang

The elites who have been lording over us for two long years have always had the mantra ‘follow the science’. Perhaps it is time that they starting doing as they preach.

Yesterday saw a continuation of inconvenient truths, that we have been saying for months, that Omicron is and will always be the disease of the vaccinated. What has already happened around the rest of the world is now unfolding here now.

But the elites, their enablers in the complicit and corrupted media and their Karen followers on social media, are still telling us to follow the science when the science is demonstrably showing that mask mandates, vax passes, vaccines and lockdowns aren’t slowing the spread of the virus at all.

Vaccinated Kiwis are now catching and transmitting the virus at twice the rate of the unvaccinated. It is the vaccinated who are the spreaders, and yet they are the ones most free as mandates remain in place.

None of the regime’s measures to slow the spread or halt transmission is working, and yet they keep it up with the brainwashing and propaganda.

David Farrar posted another chart showing the punitive and pointless MIQ system in stark contrast to what is happening all around New Zealand.

This chart shows the ratio of the number of new covid-19 cases each day in the community as opposed to the border. At the beginning of the month it was 1.6 to 1 so you could understand caution at that stage.

By the 7th of February the ratio 7 community cases for every border case. So the border represented 13% of the total cases.

By the 14th of February the ratio was 39 community cases for every border case. The border is 2.5% of the total cases.

Fast forward another week and on the 21st the ratio was 197 community cases for every border case. The border is 0.5% of the total cases.

And today there were 8 (not 80, not 800 but 8) border cases and 6,137 community cases. The ratio is 767 to 1 with the border making up 0.13% of total cases.


There is no scientific reason to maintain either MIQ or any other mandate system. More vaccines and more boosters aren’t going to do anything. Everyone who got vaccinated is now a victim of fraud, or worse if they are vaccine injured.

Those of us who stood strong in the face of bullying, segregation and nasty vindictive mandates are vindicated. We’ve been right all along.

Right now the only politician following the science is Winston Peters:

The evidence of the systemic failure of the regime’s measures is all around us as Omicron surges past vaccines, past vax passports, past mandates, past lockdowns and definitely past masks.

The wisdom of mandating out large numbers of health professionals is now proving to have been a folly.

St John clinical director Dr Tony Smith said high demand coupled with staff shortages meant people calling for help should expect delays.

Smith said St John would “make the delay as safe as we can make it”. Where there is a delay, a paramedic or nurse will give advice over the phone, such whether to give CPR or how to deal with bleeding.

Of the 100 staff off work, 70 are in Auckland, he said.

There are also 40 job vacancies in Auckland. He said St John was confident those roles will be filled in six to 10 weeks – but it was anticipating the workload peaking in six to nine weeks.

And the wisdom of sacking staff because of mandates was? It was never about health was it? It was always about control. How’s that working out for you now?

Isn’t it ironic, that the thing they chose not to take that got them mandated out of their job, is the same thing causing the rise in Ambulance call-outs? How ironic that they are also struggling due to all the vaccinated staff who are off sick and the fact that St John not only stopped recruiting but also laid off experienced unvaxxed staff who are well and healthy. Talk about being led by donkeys.

If in a pandemic we can afford to lose critical health care staff because they won’t get jabbed, then it can’t really be that bad can it?

Explain to me why we have masks, social distancing, mandates and vax passes? The mandates that supposedly saved 80,000 lives under Alpha and Delta aren’t working for Omicron? Why isn’t vaccination helping? Why aren’t masks working?

The narrative has broken, the systems are failing, and still, they are pushing the vaccines and the boosters. We are truly led by donkeys.

The lies are now exposed for all to see.

End the mandates now. There is no scientific reason to keep them in place. They should never have been there in the first place, yet the regime continues the charade, still keeping regulations in place long after they ceased being relevant or effective. They do that because it is not about health anymore, it is about control.

That control ceases when enough people just say no. No more masks, no more scanning, no more vax passes, no more mandates.

We aren’t going to be polite anymore, we are taking back our freedoms whether the elites like it or not.

End the mandates NOW!

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