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Cartoon credit: SonovaMin. The BFD.
Auckland Light Rail (ALR) is paying about $920,000 a week to two engineering companies to plan and design the central city-to-airport light rail project and a further $310,000 to its own contractors and consultants.

The figures came from Transport Minister Michael Wood in response to a written Parliamentary question from National’s transport spokesman Simeon Brown.

The Government has already spent $50m with about 200 different firms, including five big law firms and competing consultancies […]

“Instead of delivering light rail, Labour is now spending over $1.2m a week of taxpayers’ money on consultants working on more reports trying to justify a project which could cost up to $30b [twice the official estimate], which the Treasury has highlighted as a risk of further cost increases,” Brown said. […]

Brown said the money being spent on consultants for light rail should be used to help rebuild the roads washed away by Cyclone Gabrielle.

NZ Herald

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