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Has Anthony Albanese really put his far-left beliefs behind him? The BFD. Photoshop by Lushington Brady.

It was only a few years ago that Britain dodged an anti-Semitic bullet by not electing the odious Jeremy Corbyn and his far-left, Jew-hating followers. But Australian PM Anthony Albanese, another far-leftist, was more than ready to pose for happy-snaps with his Jew-baiting British Labour counterpart.

Just a reminder of the company he keeps. The BFD.

And, surprise, surprise, the party he leads in government is fast descending into the abyss of far-left anti-Semitism.

The Left faction takeover of the Labor Party is expected to be all but complete at the national conference in August, prompting concern from a former MP over the party’s long-term support of AUKUS and Israel.

Right faction sources told The Australian they were concerned the conference would be the first time in 70 years that the Left would have a majority on the floor, paving the way for a more left-wing platform binding the parliamentary party.

And by “left-wing platform”, they mean “Jew-bashing”.

The concern within the Right over the structural change to the party comes as the Left-dominated Victorian Labor conference at the weekend called on the Albanese government to recognise a Palestinian state ­before the next election, setting the stage for the matter to become a focal point at the national conference in Brisbane.

Former Labor Right MP ­Michael Danby said the national conference would see Left faction heavyweights battling between staying loyal to Anthony Albanese and raising concerns on ­issues such as AUKUS.

“State by state delegate allegiances mean that for the first time since the great split of 1955, the Socialist Left will command a clear majority,” he said.

“August’s national conference in Brisbane will see the majority Socialist Left faced with a conflict of disloyalties; either ditch AUKUS and Israel and vote down (Anthony) Albanese or dump their opposition to rebuilding our military capability to stand up to China.”

Aw, gee… decisions, decisions… Hands up who thinks the left will for one second think twice about not abandoning Israel and cosying up to China.

On the latter, the CCP poured millions into securing a Labor win at the last election. It looks  like they’re getting their money’s worth, with Labor bending over backwards to ‘normalise’ the Australia-China relationship. Which means, of course, playing the lapdog and begging China to buy up Australia’s resources.

As for Israel…

The tables have turned since Mr Albanese – a longtime Left faction warrior – became Labor leader in 2019, with Senate leader Penny Wong and ALP ­national secretary Paul Erickson also from the Left. The Left has a majority of members on the powerful national executive.

And it’s showing.

A motion put to the Victorian Labor conference on Sunday congratulated Mr Albanese and Senator Wong for the restoration of aid to Palestinians and shifting Australia’s vote at the UN on matters relating to Israel’s occupation of Palestine.

But the state conference called on the federal government to go further and formally recognise a Palestinian state in this term […]

The motion was carried by the voices, rather than being put to a formal vote in order to avoid public disagreement on the issue.

The Australian

Guess Labor are at least smart enough to keep a lid on the most vocal anti-Semites in their ranks.

To damn him with faint praise, of all people, socialist Victorian premier “Dictator Dan” is doing the right thing, for once.

Daniel Andrews has issued a staunch defence of Israel’s sovereignty, voicing his opposition to his own faction’s motion on Palestinian recognition, which passed without dissent at Labor’s Victorian conference on Sunday.

Recommitting to comments he made three weeks ago that the Jewish homeland represented the “only true democracy” in the Middle East, the Victorian Premier indicated he would oppose any motion regarding the recognition of Palestine at the national ALP conference due to be held in August […]

It follows comments Mr Andrews made on May 30 at Victorian parliament’s celebration of the 75 anniversary of Israel’s independence, at which he described the country as “a beacon of democratic freedom, the only true democracy in the region, one might argue”.

The Australian

Even a stopped clock is right twice a day, after all.

But, as the ALP descend deeper and deeper into hard-left anti-Semitism, they know they can at least rely on their taxpayer-funded propaganda wing.

The ABC has reviewed and amended two articles relating to Israel, including one that described a convicted terrorist who threw a grenade at civilians as an “ex-Palestinian freedom fighter”.

The ABC also published a separate story on May 27 under the headline: “Three Palestinians killed by Israeli forces in the West Bank, ministry says.”

That seven-paragraph article was amended last week after concerns were raised by the Australian Jewish Association. An “editor’s note” is now attached to the bottom of the story that reads: “The three dead Palestinians were later identified as members of the Al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigade militant group” […]

AJA president David Adler said the public broadcaster “has a long and disgraceful history of extreme anti-Israel bias”.

The Australian

Well, duh. The ABC is staffed by people who vote for the Greens at four times the national level.
