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For the Many, Not the Jew Is Still a Problem for Jeremy Corbyn

After his trainwreck interview, you’d think Jeremy Corbyn would have acted to halt the over-riding impression he is a nasty little anti-Semite.

YouGov has released a poll in the UK that suggests the problem for Labour is bigger than just having a Jew-hating leader.

Loyal supporters of Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn are more likely to agree with statements deemed to be anti-Semitic than supporters of other political leaders, a poll has revealed.

The  poll by YouGov asked respondents their opinion of British political leaders and gave them a series of statements about Jews to agree or disagree with.

Of those who said they ‘strongly like’ the Labour leader, 35 per cent agreed with four or more  statements deemed anti-Semitic. 58 per cent agreed with two or more of anti-Jewish views.  

Respondents who supported other leaders, such as Jo Swinson, Boris Johnson, and Nigel Farage, showed a markedly lower rate of anti-Semitic sympathy at just 18 per cent, 21 per cent and 24 per cent respectively.

The  leader of the once fiercely anti-racist Labour party is now the  candidate of choice for anti-Jewish racists,’ Gideon Falter, the Chief  Executive of Campaign Against Antisemitism, wrote in a foreword of a report the poll is included in.

As part of their annual anti-Semitism  barometer, the campaign group found that a record amount of British Jews had considered leaving the UK since 2017, with 85 per cent of those listing antisemitism in politics as the reason.

Those considering emigrating were overwhelmingly concerned about Mr Corbyn’s effect on British Jews, not Boris Johnson’s.

The Sunday Telegraph reported that in an earlier but similar survey, Campaign Against Semitism [sic] provided 13 statements, 12 of which were anti-Semitic, they said.

The  results found that those identifying as ‘very left-wing’ were more  likely to agree with the statement that ‘Israel treats the Palestinians  like the Nazis treated the Jews’, rhetoric deemed anti-Semitic by a definition set out in the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance.

News of the polling results comes after Rabbi Ephraim Mirvis used a  newspaper article on Tuesday to stage an unprecedented intervention in  the general election campaign as he said anti-Semitism in the Labour  Party was a ‘poison – sanctioned from the top’.

He also alleged that Labour’s claims it is doing everything possible to  tackle anti-Jewish racism in the party was a ‘mendacious fiction’.  

Labour has been repeatedly rocked by allegations of anti-Semitism during Mr Corbyn’s tenure as leader.

Daily Mail

Until Labour ditches Corbyn as a leader they are doomed.
