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France Comes Down on ‘Pro Palestinian’ Creeps

“I’m smiling and I’m happy! I’m elated!” cheered Sheikh Ibrahim Dadoun in Sydney. The BFD.

Call them “surrender monkeys” if you dare (in fact, they’re one of the most militarily successful nations of the last 150 years), but at least the French have had the boules to do what Australian governments neither dare nor even want to do.

Where the NSW government cravenly allowed violent anti-Semites to parade openly in Sydney streets, with the Greens proudly marching alongside the creeps chanting “Gas the Jews!”, France is laying down the law.

On Thursday, the BBC reported France’s Interior Minister Gerald Darmanin banned rallies in support of Palestinians.

He also said foreign nationals who violate the ban will be “systematically” deported.

Australia, meanwhile, wrings its hands and arranges special airlifts and taxpayer-funded social workers for ISIS jihadis who flocked to the brief Syrian “caliphate”.

And when Muslims not only cheer and let off fireworks to celebrate the butchery in Israel, what do NSW police do? Arrest a Jewish Australian trying to attend a vigil.

Meanwhile, the disgusting Greens side with the literal baby killers.

In the wake of Hamas’ attack in Israel, rallies were held in cities around the world in support of Palestinians.

In New York City, one attendee was seen holding up a swastika, while others chanted, “‘From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free.”

The Daily Mail notes the phrase implies the destruction of Israel.

Did you note that, Ricardo Menendez?

The Greens stand with murderous terrorists, too. Ricardo Menendez calls for Israel to be erased. The BFD.
Meanwhile, police are investigating an incident in Australia where people attending a pro-Palestinian rally were seen chanting, “Gas the Jews”.

Attendees at a rally in Dearborn, Michigan, pushed back on the notion they were supporting Hamas by attending a pro-Palestinian event.

Independent Journal Review

Sure, buddy. And the odious BDS movement isn’t anti-Semitic, either.

You’re not fooling anyone: when you hold a rally just days after Hamas butchered thousands of Israelis, including beheading babies and mutilating pregnant women, the veil is ripped off for all to see.

A Parisian court had already ruled that police blocking a specific pro-Palestinian rally in the city this week was lawful and proportionate because the judges found a high likelihood of it giving rise to “attitudes, words, and gestures of an anti-Jewosh nature, [including] inciting racial hatred and advocating for terrorist attacks,” reports broadcaster RTL.

In Darmanin’s reportedly instructions were specific instructions to dole out harsh repercussions for those who flouted the ban and staged rallies. Police should arrest organisers and what he called “troublemakers.” He advised that “foreign perpetrators” of antisemitism causing trouble at pro-Palestinian protests should have their residence permits revoked and be deported “without delay” […]

antisemitic acts in France had surged since Saturday’s terror attack against Israel that killed at least 1,300. Among the incidents cited by the interior minister were acts of vandalism including the daubing of swastikas and calls for intifada, but more seriously “people arrested at the entrance to a school or synagogue with a bladed weapon”.

Police arrested 24 people as of Thursday morning, he said, three of them foreigners he ordered deported.


If only more Western countries would start doing this.

But that would mean admitting that their precious Multiculturalism had failed. They’d rather die.

And more people undoubtedly will.
