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FREE Pass for Sex Offenders

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As you all know we have added a new entry to our Left-wingese dictionary this week after it was revealed that a judge has effectively ruled that it is not sexual assault if you were drunk when you did it.

Sexual assault: Just Drunken antics

The BFD Left-wingese dictionary
The judge discharged the young man without conviction.
[…] he was accused of having grabbed and squeezed a man’s testicles, touched another man’s genitals twice, kissed a woman on her neck and face and groped a second woman’s breast and bottom.

What kind of a message in today’s #MeToo environment has this ruling sent to young men in New Zealand? Could it possibly be to make sure that you don’t sexually assault men and women when you are sober?

The judge said that being drunk was not an excuse for the man’s behaviour but he also said that the assault was “born out of drunken stupidity”. For some reason, the indecency charges were dropped by the Crown. “It may well have been indecent but that is no longer part of the charge.”

“I accepted everything you had to say, I had no difficulty as the judge in believing you,” he said of both victims, whom he said were impressive young men.

If he believed them then it’s a bit rough that the offender got off without a conviction isn’t it? This ruling is a licence to grab other men by the testicles and women by the pussy while under the influence of alcohol ( as long as you are an “impressive young man.”)

The judge also said that everything he’d read about the offender, but for the night at the summer camp, showed he too was an impressive young man.
“I have obvious sympathy for him in the position he found himself on account of his own drunken stupidity.”

I wonder if someone important and high up in the government wrote a reference for this “impressive” testicle and pussy-grabbing young man? When Trump talked about grabbing women by the pussy he was pilloried for months but when an “impressive” left-wing young man actually does it he is given a get out of jail free card.

What is impressive about a young man who puts his hands down other people’s pants without their consent and squeezes them by the genitals? Thousands of young people get drunk every week yet do not lose all sense of morality and control and go around sexually assaulting others.

I wonder what Alison Mau is going to make of this outrage against the #MeToo movement?

dead silence GIF by GIPHY Studios Originals
dead silence GIF by GIPHY Studios Originals
