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Free Speech Coalition to Appeal High Court’s Decision with Your Help

The BFD. Free Speech. Cartoon credit: SonovaMin

There has been close to universal condemnation of last week’s decision by the High Court to reject the Free Speech Coalition’s application for a judicial review of the decision of Regional Facilities Auckland last year to de-platform two Canadian speakers who Mayor Phil Goff didn’t like.

Unless the Free Speech Coalition appeals this decision, the likes of ‘Auckland Peace Action’ will be successful in bullying officials to cancel events they disapprove of. Officials will be able to point to last week’s decision to justify ‘health and safety’ as a trump card over rights of freedom of speech (including your right to peacefully assemble and receive information).

Even many of the Free Speech Coalition’s detractors, such as legal academics who support hate-speech laws, are saying publicly that the Judge’s ruling is wrong. By ruling that RFA was not exercising a ‘public power’ by cancelling the booking, the judge was able to avoid the key issues of free speech and the rights of Aucklanders to hear from who they choose. The Judge says these considerations just don’t apply.

If the Free Speech Coalition lets this stand, the Mayor’s officials are free to ban whoever they like from Council-owned venues at any hint of opposition.

Our steering group have met with the lawyers – and we are all agreed that we can’t let this precedent stand.
That’s why in a few hours, we will be announcing our intention to appeal the ruling to the Court of Appeal.

The Free Speech Coalition is relying on your support to make this happen.

To mount a persuasive appeal, we need at least $50,000 before we can file our appeal with the Court of Appeal. That’s factoring-in the extremely generous offers of pro bono time and volunteer work by our legal team.
So to make this happen, we need your help to get us to the $50,000 target in the next few weeks.
Ensure Phil Goff doesn’t have the last laugh by donating now so we can file this essential legal challenge.
Thank you for your support – because without you, no one would be mounting the case in favour of free speech.

Dr David Cumin
Free Speech Coalition

Free Speech Coalition

The Free Speech Coalition cannot stand up to an establishment which doesn’t want to defend free speech without your help. Click here to make your confidential donation.
