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A friend of mine recently posted on Facebook that, “Biden has labeled freedom of speech as a terroristic threat to the U.S. Homeland”. Surely this is just another social media hyperbole?

In fact, no.

On Monday, the [Department of Homeland Security] posted its latest National Terrorism Advisory System bulletin. The number one terrorism threat, in the eyes of our government, is ordinary people who hold different views on COVID policies and election security. Under “Key factors contributing to the current heightened threat environment,” the very first factor listed is “The proliferation of false or misleading narratives, which sow discord or undermine public trust in U.S. government institutions.”

Just in case you were in any doubt about what they mean, the Big Brothers at DHS provide some helpful pointers.

“For example, there is widespread online proliferation of false or misleading narratives regarding unsubstantiated widespread election fraud and COVID-19,” states the bulletin. “Grievances associated with these themes inspired violent extremist attacks during 2021.”

Can you list examples of violent extremist attacks from people who oppose COVID fascism?

Also just to let you know exactly how high a priority the Deep State rates undermining trust in the US government:

This factor was listed ahead of the concern of foreign Islamic terrorism or any mention of the Colleyville synagogue hostage-taker. Our own government, for the first time in history, is seeking to criminalize political opposition and treat it on the same level as al Qaeda. Then again, the DHS bulletin made no mention of al Qaeda or the Chinese Communist Party.

At the same time, the Biden administration has created a new branch of secret police, which has made sweeping arrests across the country, involving SWAT teams and military vehicles. For months into the new regime, much of Washington was barricaded with concrete barriers and barbed wire, and troops specially vetted for loyalty patrolled the streets. Following that, the regime enacted a months-long ideological purge of the armed forces.

The Biden junta is spying on its democratically-elected opponents, as well.

Earlier this week, the Federalist reported that the Capitol Hill Police inspector general is launching a probe into an allegation by one congressman that his office was illegally surveilled by police […]

On Tuesday, Rep. Louie Gohmert (R-Texas) accused the Justice Department of spying on members of Congress as well. In a statement posted on Twitter, Gohmert contends that constituent mail was opened and stamped with “DOJ mailroom” and labeled “X-rayed,” seemingly indicating that the Justice Department first looked through his mail. This would violate the principle of separation of powers.

All this news comes amid the backdrop of a draft recommendation published by the House of Representatives inspector general calling on the sergeant at arms’ office to engage in internal “behavioral monitoring” to detect internal security threats.

The Blaze

Brutal covid policies are clearly not the only thing the US government is copying from Communist China.
