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Freedom Movement Mustn’t Give the Stasi Free Ammunition

Freedom protesters carry a Eureka flag in Melbourne. The BFD. Photoshop by Lushington Brady.

As I wrote recently, the scale and derangement of the media-political lies being thrown at the Freedom protesters, from Canada to Wellington, shows just how scared the elite really are. But it’s not just the politicians and their journalist lickspittles who are trying to smear the peoples’ movement. Their deep state goons are lacing up the jackboots.

Protest leaders who have called for the execution of politicians and other public officials will be targeted for prosecution as federal and state police forces change tactics and crack down on incitements to violence, in a bid to avert a feared “lone wolf” terror attack.

Police are expected to charge high-profile leaders of the “freedom” movement with incitement to commit offences of violence and deprivation of liberty, following explicit death threats to MPs, state premiers and other officials.

As Daily Blog contributor Suzie Dawson recently wrote, violent imagery and death threats, not to mention actual violence, have been part and parcel of left-wing protests for decades. Everyone knew it was mere political theatre and treated it as such.

More recently, cities across the US burned, and the media praised it as “mostly peaceful protests”, while police sat on their hands. Even in Australia, left-wing activists marched in thousands, in defiance of Covid restrictions — and the police joined in.

Left-wing protesters have hanged and beheaded conservative politicians in effigy, smashed their way into Parliament House with iron bars, and set fire to the Museum of Australian Democracy. A radical gay activist tried to blow up the Canberra office of the Australian Christian Lobby — and the Feds waved it off as a “suicide attempt”.

But a few idiot loudmouths glom onto the mass peoples’ movement which has genuinely peacefully stood up to the Covid authoritarians, and the elites are reaching for their smelling salts — and their pet goons reaching for their truncheons.

ASIO boss Mike Burgess last week warned that the greatest ­security threat facing the nation was from conspiracy theory ­extremists and anti-government “sovereign citizens” who did not fit on the traditional left-right spectrum.

Australian Federal Police Commissioner Reece Kershaw last week vowed to ramp up enforcement action against those inciting violence, even if not committing it themselves.

“Where disinformation reaches a criminal threshold – particularly where it urges or advocates violence – the AFP will be exercising the full force of its powers,” he said. Mr Kershaw told a parliamentary inquiry the AFP was very concerned about the risks to MPs and their staff, noting the murder of British MP Sir David Amess four months ago.

Amess was murdered by an Islamic radical, not a sovereign citizen nutter. Every terror attack in Australia for the past decade or more has been committed by an Islamic radical — often under the very eye of police, to whom they were “known”.

But, sure, a dodgy wannabe politician talking shit on Telegram is the real threat.

Among those being monitored is an ex-SAS officer, Riccardo Bosi, who has figured prominently in the Convoy to Canberra ­protests, often dressed in military fatigues.

The Australian

Bosi strikes me as a shifty opportunist who gives off a very, very creepy vibe. The Freedom movement would be well shot of him.

And this is the real problem: in their naive desperation to be “inclusive”, the Freedom movement is opening its arms to too many nutjobs, shysters and opportunists. From the QAnon loonies who gibber about “Satanic paedophiles” and Lizard People, to political scam artists like Bosi and Clive Palmer, the Freedom people do themselves a disservice from not telling them unceremoniously to take a hike.

The media and their political masters are going to lie and defame them hard enough as it is, there’s point in giving them free ammunition.

And there’s no gain in being so open-minded that your brains fall out.
