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From the Desk of a Male Pale and Stale

black framed eyeglasses and black pen
Photo by Trent Erwin. The BFD.

For those who have read my recent columns you may remember:

“In March 2021 the letter copied below was printed in the Howick and Pakuranga Times. Now let that sink in. The letter you read was penned almost a year ago! Long before the current protests taking place in Wellington! Also, consider that the letter was copied widely…

Vaccine Options

I will be having a vaccine shot – and I am compassionate for those people who may be hesitant to take the vaccine, possibly for personal, religious, or other reasons.

We need to protect society – but how can we do so without compromising those people’s civil liberties and beliefs – their rights? Etc…”

Imagine my chagrin when I think of another letter I penned, even longer ago, which was also copied widely:

Banking Rights (Friday, 07 Feb. 2020)

Recently, to their dismay, the bank account of a person close to me was closed, while they were travelling, by one of the ‘Big 4 Banks’.

Other people have had accounts closed by banks, and financial institutions, who disagree with their customers political or even moral behaviour (e.g., tattoo artists and consenting sex workers).

Last month, Kiwibank announced that they would no longer be operating chequing accounts – one could argue that the convenience of cheques is ‘a cost of doing business’ for the banking industry – a ‘customer service’. Banking’s origins lie in ‘promissory notes’.

In 2019, I participated in a Reserve Bank of NZ survey concerning the future of cash in NZ and received interesting feedback in December. This feedback reflected Australian bank efforts to dispose of, or reduce, the use of cash. The claim is that this is of legal or tax value to society – claims which are overblown.

In 2019 (STUFF, Feb 4, 2019) issued a damning Royal Commission’s report finding most major banks in Australia, many who own NZ banks, to be negligent and exploitative of their customers.

The result of banks successful lobbying for a ‘cashless society’ would be that every transaction passes through a financial institution, it is all recorded, and they make an additional margin on everything – which we pay for.

Cash is vital as practical relief from administrative error, or commercial or government financial persecution.

As a bank account is essential in today’s personal and business environment, it should have the legal standing of a “human right”.

I was informed by some that my concerns were overblown, particularly that the aims and objectives of the State were rational and of ‘good governance’ to stop terrorists and money laundering (and collect more tax).

I espoused the view that in such a ‘cashless’ society the full weight of the State could be brought against political opposition, religious dissenters, malcontents and even occur by mistake. This would lead to people being unable to buy food and water, have a roof over their heads, pay debt (e.g., mortgages) or collect wages and in any way function as a modern citizen. To repeat: I was assured that my concerns were overblown…

Fast forward to February 2022 and a country named Canada. A country very much like New Zealand. So similar in fact, that the leaders (Jacinda and Justin) share a friendship, similar political views and ideologies and even go on holiday together to Davos – to consort at the “World Economic Forum” and discuss the “Great Reset” – a podium of Klaus Schwab (who has been accused of being a neo-Fascist, which is ‘irony at its best’ considering the ‘espoused views’ of the two comrades, Jacinda and Justin). The WEF concerns include a new financial system – specifically a cashless society. As does our Reserve Bank.

As well, the World Economic Forum are champions of ‘diversity, inclusion and equity’ so no one could have been more surprised than I (despite my Nostradamic insights) that the Canadian government would use the full force of the State operating through people’s (Truckers and supporters) bank accounts to trample on political dissidents.

These are people of diverse backgrounds with a different point of view. From what I see they seem very inclusive, coming from all nationalities and ethnicities, people who have made their home in Canada along with the native citizens, and are looking for an equitable outcome.

Canada is freezing charitable financial contributions to truckers, freezing personal bank accounts and credit cards, cancelling truck registrations, fining supporting peaceful protesters along with the Truckers (how are they going to pay those fines when their bank accounts are frozen?) and impounding assets (trucks, cars, wood and fuel etc.)…

Unless these people have cash as a currency then the State has financially emasculated them to compel compliance with State mandates! What sort of government would do such a thing? The same sort of government that will also compel speech codes (as noted by Jordan Peterson) and this is another step. Comply or be punished! What is the next step?

And if people do succumb, how long until these accounts become functional again? Will it happen magically on the day they abandon the protest, or, punitively, will they have to ‘re-apply’? And under such penalty, how can people restore their lives? Debt and interest mount along with fines over time. Will there always be a “bank record’ of their ‘resistance’? Will it affect future home loans, education grants, credit extensions and so on? It is one thing to callously take away a person’s human rights and another thing to restore – or forgive.

The actions of Justin Trudeau seem on the border of Fascism and he and Jacinda seem in ‘lockstep’ with Klaus Schwab and the WEF.

How long until instruments other than sprinklers, loudspeakers, and “contempt” (looking at you Mr ‘Ministry of Truth’ Mallard), are used to reign in any dissent in New Zealand against the Brown Shirts of the WEF?

And this does not just apply to the State persecuting account holders – “BANKS” can now cancel your account, virtually without a right of reply if the “bank” decides it doesn’t like your ‘social position’.

Rather than spending time on ideologically motivated legislation e.g., “conversion therapy” there have been two years to put through legislation guaranteeing all New Zealanders a basic ‘human right”? Isn’t that what the empathetic Left are all about?

The right to a bank account that cannot be violated by the State, or Corporate, so that though we may disagree, a person’s dignity and ability to exist is not expunged, or financial instruments are not used as a means of coercing someone to OBEY.

To the nonplussed “Opposition”, this is a “Social Justice” issue that should be championed.


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