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From the Truth Is Stranger Than Fiction Files

Parents in Finland have lost custody of their 15-year-old daughter. For the state to take away their parental rights you would think that it must have been for something very serious. You would think that they must have been acting in a seriously abusive way that was endangering their child’s health and life. The reality sadly is very different. The parents were acting to protect their daughter.

As her parents, they recognised that at 15 she was too young to make a life-altering decision. The state should have supported them in this as the state does not recognise a 15-year-old as an adult therefore a 15-year-old is not able to get married, join the army, vote or drink alcohol.

Sadly we now live in a world where a 15-year-old is not allowed to vote but is allowed to seriously mutilate her body and take drugs to permanently change her body.

Her grieving parents have stated that “It is as if they had killed our child.”

The parents of a 15-year-old Finnish girl lost custody of their daughter after refusing to allow her to undergo a sex change.
According to a report by Svenska Yle, the parents prevented the girl from starting hormone treatments to “correct her gender.”

[…] what we do know is that two summers ago after the family moved abroad, their daughter Nea met a new friend group.
She went from acting and dressing very feminine to dressing like a boy and claiming she was born into the wrong body.
Nea then demanded that her parents Kari and Niina allow her to begin hormone therapy and eventually breast removal surgery.
The request was denied and Nea became increasingly angry before one of her friends contacted the police and filed a criminal report against the parents.
Documents show that Nea’s friends were encouraging her to “break contact with her parents” from the beginning.
[…] Nea was taken by authorities and spent a few months in an orphanage before being allowed to return home to her parents […]
Nea later returned to the police station with a local transgender activist and a decision to allow her to begin hormone treatment was made without the parents even being consulted.
Nea’s parents eventually gave up on trying to regain full custody of her and now say that she hardly speaks to them.
Her parents watched a video of the girl talking into a camera and saying, “This is how I sound six months after I started taking testosterone.”
She has apparently developed a deeper voice, put on weight and grown more hair, changes that are “irreversible.”
“Without over-dramatizing, you can say that as the voice, appearance and personality change, it is as if they had killed our child,” said the girl’s mother.

This is such a tragedy. I cannot imagine how those poor parents are feeling. Their daughter is highly likely to regret her decision but by then it will be too late as the damage to her body will have been done, enabled 100% by an uncaring state.


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