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letter to the editor letters

Dear Editor

The extent that the government has failed our young people knows no limits.

  • school attendance and achievement.
  • kids living in cars and other disgusting environs.

Plus the big announcements with no follow through.

A Government scheme to get counsellors in schools is on track to achieve less than 10% of the 100,000 hours of mental health support it was expected to deliver.

More than two years since the Counsellors in Schools programme was launched by then associate education minister Tracey Martin, the new minister, Jan Tinnetti [sic], now says the scheme is still in its “early implementation phase”.

The Government allocated $44 million to fund counselling at primary, intermediate and small secondary schools for four years. The Ministry of Education said it would deliver 100,000 hours of counselling each year, but going by actual delivery it looks set to provide just 9600 hours this year.

I know Mike King. I have observed his work for a long time. He is brilliant! A true developed genius in this field.

Why are our government and MoH leadership so stupid as to not see what is right in front of their face and fund the man and his organisation to do all the good that is possible?

Their lack of action is criminal and it is costing many young lives. It is yet another example of Ardern’s “kindness”.

Alwyn Poole
