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Fusion Energy… or Stick with the Con




The Industrial Revolution, which started about the time of the American Revolution, transformed the world in significant ways.

Mass-production methods were invented and perfected, huge numbers moved to cities to seek employment, new products became widely available and incomes rose exponentially – with no inflation to speak of between the battles of Waterloo and Somme, a century apart. Life improved immeasurably and this meant most people were healthier and wealthier, lived longer and had more fun, without some of the fears (poverty, ill health) of earlier times. It was freedom writ large. And has been demonised by the left wingers for over a century, as a result.

The last thing they want is everybody earning five times what their grandparents did, living 20 years longer, buying toys to play with and rising up the ladder of success. Oh no. Oh noooooooo siree! The way the left wingers tell it, all were being exploited, under the thumb of ‘robber barons’ and lived in slums; day-to-day life composed of abject misery. And racism. On stolen land.

Numerous books were written, numerous pamphlets were published, numerous loons (of the Labour party variety) emerged as public figures and trade unions were established – all in an attempt to demonstrate how badly off everybody was. Any attempt to point out reality was strongly criticised as cruel and heartless. And as for those in the workers’ paradise of Communist Russia – well, that was what the world should emulate.

As the years went by and these loons were basically ignored and discredited, their rhetoric became even more shrill and hysterical.

By the hugely prosperous 1950s and 1960s – when claims of widespread poverty were ludicrous – they changed tactics. From then on they would attack… everything! All institutions and cultural norms would be demonised: everything from religion to the family unit to [insert literally anything you can think of here] was criticised as racist, sexist, homophobic and designed to subjugate people, and needed reform along socialist lines. For the (ahem) sole benefit of the people, naturally. Such tactics are still taking place.

In almost every case, the hysteria of their attacks was in inverse proportion to the actual ‘problem’, with the loudest attacks being on things that didn’t actually exist! It has been Emperor’s New Clothes stuff, as moronic rich kids vigorously nod their heads and riot against entirely imaginary ‘injustices’.

Occasionally the left actually succeeded – in the same way a blind pig occasionally stumbles across some food – and one of those was against nuclear matters. They had a marvellous thing to protest and virtue signal about: a couple of hundred thousand dead Japanese in Hiroshima and ridiculous claims about nukes raining down on, say, Temuka, Raetihi or wherever. It was great stuff for the left-wing protestors.

Except the average man in the street was, predictably, the victim of a con game. What was in fact going on with the anti-nuclear movement was not what everybody thought.

Let me explain:

The left wing demonisation of the industrial revolution was because huge advances for mankind and exponential rises in prosperity (ie, people not living in poverty and exploitation) were the problem. If the ordinary bloke was relatively prosperous then he wasn’t going to tolerate socialism. This greedy selfish rotter was self-reliant, wanted to keep what he had and was free; he might end up thinking for himself (his worst crime according to the socialists) or voting Tory.

During the 1950s and into the 1960s the Western world was heading into what was then called the Atomic Age. There would be cheap and unlimited nuclear power. Using nuclear for energy (not bombs) was the plan. This would have meant heating your house all winter for a few dollars and running factories on nuclear power for a few hundred.

Nuclear power would be unlimited and cheap and benefit mankind for thousands of years… and quickly cause the end of socialism and communism (which was in full panic mode 65 years ago at impending irrelevancy). Even more of a concern was they could be proven to be wrong, like 2+2=5 can be proven wrong. So they established the anti-nuclear movement around the world to engage in supposedly virtuous campaigns against nukes. Not because they cared about blowing up cities (the fewer humans the better!), but to stop nuclear power in its tracks.

The biggest con game in history was the anti-nuclear movement. Instead of cheap and abundant nuclear energy – well, when you get your next bill from your power company, subtract one cent and you’ll see how much this has cost you.

This also enabled left wingers to promote various other agenda items – such as stopping economic progress in its tracks – along with ‘feel good’ concepts like ‘saving the planet’; the moronic lapped it up and said the right things (so nobody thought they were a bad person), despite all the contrary evidence. The plan was to progressively get the average man in the street to lower his expectations and to visualise a humdrum boring life.

It was all working brilliantly until 8 August last year, when dear, oh dear, oh dear.

At the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, a fusion energy experiment was conducted and more energy was produced than was required to conduct it. A huge advance in fusion energy technology: eight times more energy produced than in a similar experiment earlier last year, and 25 times more than three years ago. Great news for mankind… but very bad news for left wingers.

Fusion energy, like nuclear, will be cheap and unlimited: heat your house all winter and run a factory for a month with the money in your pocket. And do so for 10,000 years. Prosperity and freedom would result very quickly. We could have millions of manufacturing jobs created throughout the Western world because the energy cost is not so much “pennies on the dollar” as pennies on the pennies. Suddenly industry in Western nations becomes competitive again, and guess which communist nation that hurts?

Central Otago or the Hawkes Bay has a drought? Hmm, okay; we’ll just pump as much of the Pacific Ocean through our fusion energy powered desalination plants as required and – bingo – unlimited fresh water. Fuel cost? Perhaps $5,000.

Suddenly it’s curtains for the left wingers, as there is nothing much they can attack. There is no target to shoot at, as fusion basically uses hydrogen and there’s no Hiroshima to scare people with. It’s a prosperous mankind indefinitely. Oh and it’s “clean and green”, which they have pretended they support (they don’t, of course: it was just part of the con game).

Do you see what a bright future you have? Do you see how significant this successful experiment is and how far this technology is advancing? The amount of energy generated is 25 times greater than just three years ago. Do you also see why nobody much is talking about this?


The Good Oil Daily Roundup

The Good Oil Daily Roundup

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