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Gaza: Hands up Who Isn’t in Hamas

Mohammed Wishah (R) shows off Al Jazeera’s latest “camera”. The BFD.

Is there anyone in Gaza who isn’t a member of Hamas?

So far on the Hamas payroll have been UN workers, medicos, ambulance drivers, photojournalists, Palestinian day workers, not to mention its (voluntary or otherwise) army of “martyrs”, as well as sundry head-choppers, rapists, baby-killers and rocket-launchers.

So much for those “innocent Palestinians”.

To that grim roster we can now add Al Jazeera journos — as if that should surprise anyone.

An Al Jazeera journalist secretly worked for Hamas on the side, serving as a “prominent commander” in the terrorist group’s anti-tank missile units before being promoted to a research-focused role, the Israel Defense Forces said on Sunday.

“In the morning, a journalist on Al Jazeera, and in the evening, a terrorist in Hamas!” IDF spokesman Avichay Adraee said of journalist Mohammed Wishah.
Golly-gosh, a hack with a Muslim propaganda network owned by an Arab state running with Jew-killing terrorists? Well, I never.

Like certain other very naughty boys, this one came unstuck courtesy of a laptop.

Adraee said the IDF found the journalist’s laptop inside a Hamas camp in the northern Gaza Strip. “A laptop belonging to someone named Muhammed Samir Muhammed Wishah, born in 1986 from Bureij, was seized,” Adraee said. “It is clear from the documents that Muhammed Wishah is a prominent commander in the anti-tank missile units in the military wing of Hamas.”

Adraee’s X post includes photos showing the Al Jazeera journalist teaching Hamas members how to fire anti-tank missiles and set up equipment. The journalist was transferred in late 2022 to the field of research and development in the Hamas Air Force, according to the seized documents, Adraee said.

“Who knows how many details we will reveal about the presence of other terrorists in journalistic uniforms in the near future?” Adraee wrote in the post.

Like the stringers and photojournalists on the payroll of some of the biggest names in news, including CNN and Reuters, this creep was more dedicated to perpetrating terrorism than just reporting on it.

In January, IDF spokesman Brig. Gen. Daniel Hagari revealed evidence showing that two Gazan journalists killed by the IDF belonged to Hamas and Palestinian Islamic Jihad, another terrorist organization.

The Washington Free Beacon

And of course, we’re finding out more by the day, just how intertwined Hamas and the UN really are.

Israeli forces have discovered a tunnel network hundreds of metres (yards) long and running partly under UNRWA’s Gaza headquarters, the military says, calling it new evidence of Hamas exploitation of the main relief agency for Palestinians.

Note that this report from Reuters (see above) tries its hardest to discredit the fact of the Hamas tunnels on the UN’s property. As if there’s an innocent explanation for having a vast tunnel network concealed under a supposedly neutral building.

Reporters on the closely escorted trip entered a shaft next to a school on the periphery of the U.N. compound, descending to the concrete-lined tunnel. Twenty minutes of walking through the stifling hot, narrow and occasionally winding passage brought them underneath UNRWA Headquarters, an army lieutenant-colonel leading the tour said.

The tunnel, which the military said was 700 metres long and 18 metres deep, bifurcated at times, revealing side-rooms. There was an office space, with steel safes that had been opened and emptied. There was a tiled toilet. One large chamber was packed with computer servers, another with industrial battery stacks.

“Everything is conducted from here. All the energy for the tunnels, which you walked through them are powered from here,” said the lieutenant-colonel, who gave only his first name, Ido […]

“This is one of the central commands of the intelligence. This place is one of the Hamas intelligence units, where they commanded most of the combat.”

But Ido said Hamas appeared to have evacuated in the face of the Israeli advance, preemptively cutting off communications cables that, in an above-ground part of the tour, he showed running through the floor of the UNRWA Headquarters’ basement.

The hardest thing for the UN is trying to act surprised about it all. I mean, gosh — how did THAT get there?

Not the sort of thing you tend to miss, when you’re looking for the stationary supplies cupboard. The BFD. Photoshop by Lushington Brady.
In a statement, UNRWA said it had not been officially informed of the tunnel by Israeli authorities and had vacated the headquarters on Oct. 12, five days after the war began.


In other words, they cut the cables, emptied the safes, and scarpered with all the incriminating evidence they could carry.
