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Gender Is Binary: Switzerland Supports Real Science


You’ve got to hand it to the Swiss: they’re a fairly sensible bunch. After all, for decades they’ve steadfastly refused to grant Swiss citizenship to Bond-villain-for-real Klaus Schwab. They also demand that Muslim immigrants conform to Swiss cultural norms.

And they’re not falling for this “gender” nonsense, either.

The Swiss government has rejected the idea of introducing a “third gender” or “no gender” option for official records.

Last week, Switzerland opted not to hop on the “gender identity” ideology bandwagon that its European neighbors have deferred to. Swiss residents will continue to be entered into the nation’s civil registry as male or female, with no exceptions.

Notably, too, the sensible Swiss have kept firmly out of the EU, which is thoroughly enslaved by the Clown World nonsense of gender ideology.

The Swiss are also apparently well aware that transgenderism is also a Trojan horse for a whole lot of other stuff.

The Associated Press noted that the Federal Council had said that including alternative options for gender markers would require “numerous” changes to the Swiss Constitution and to laws both at the national and state (canton) level.

“The binary gender model is still strongly anchored in Swiss society,” the Swiss Federal Council said in response to two proposals from parliament, according to the Associated Press.

“The social preconditions for the introduction of a third gender or for a general waiver of the gender entry in the civil registry currently are not there,” it added.

Nor is the scientific basis. The idea of a “gender spectrum” is arrant, un-scientific nonsense.

Switzerland is known for its no-nonsense, tradition-based culture and adherence to reason and science-based policies […]

Despite how one chooses to “identify,” human sexes come in two varieties: male and female. Biologists who have not been captured by political ideology agree that sex is “real, immutable and binary.” Despite the way that trendy pop-science articles portray sex as a “spectrum” by including the existence of intersex conditions, these disorders of sex development (DSD) do not discount the binary nature of sex.

No more than humans born with extra or no limbs disprove human bipedalism.

“‘Actual science’ done by biologists shows two sexes, one with small mobile gametes and the other with large, immobile ones,” said renowned evolutionary biologist Jerry Coyne in response to one such pop-science representation of sex as a spectrum.

“There is no third sex,” Coyne added. “Disorders of sex development are not new sexes, and biological sex is binary. Let’s not conflate sex, gender and developmental anomalies.”

The Daily Wire

But the fundamental error – or, more correctly, deceit – of transgenderism is the fallacy that “gender” and “sex” are two distinct things. While it is true that “gender roles” are an expression of sex/gender, the idea that gender is distinct from sex is the weirdest dualism since Descartes’ substance dualism of the mind.


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