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Contains facts and opinions that may upset your world view.


Yesterday a candle light vigil was held for George “the gentle giant” Floyd at our nation’s parliament.

600 or so social media driven woke wombles bought the MSM narrative on Floyd hook line and sinker and signed up to grieve at the loss of this upstanding individual who unarguably should not have died at the hands of police in a foreign country.

Never mind the multitude of injustices elsewhere in the world – this was important because the officer was white and “Gentle George” was black! Had they bothered to find out the truth about their beloved “Gentle Giant” then perhaps they would have saved their grief for someone a little more deserving.

You see the MSM are liars, they pushed the false narrative that George Floyd was a harmless good guy. Unfortunately Floyd’s history tells a very different story.

The BFD. “Gentle” George’s rap sheet.

In 2007 after 6 prior convictions George Floyd and an accomplice conducted a home invasion of a fellow drug dealer. They wanted to steal his drugs and cash (a victimless crime you might say!). Inconveniently, only the drug dealer’s female partner was at the address so all 6 foot 6 of “Gentle George” grabbed her pressing his hand gun into her abdomen and threatening her life. Not finding what they were looking for “Gentle George” interrogated her whilst his accomplice started beating the woman in an attempt to get information. Ultimately they didn’t get any drugs and cash, but they did steal anything else of value they could.

Thanks to a nosey neighbour who recorded their vehicle license plate, “Gentle George” got caught. He then struck a deal with the prosecutors pleading guilty to aggravated robbery with a deadly weapon; a crime for which the sentence is 2 to 20 years in Texas. Factoring in the home invasion and prior convictions we would expect “Gentle George” to be looking at the thick end of 20 years, but he got just five.

It would be fair to assume that he chose the guilty plea for a reduced sentence. It would also be fair to assume that he hoofed it up to Minnesota after his sentence concluded to start a new life far away from individuals who may have had a beef with him for co-operating with the Police in return for a reduced sentence. After all, it is a universal law which states that “snitches get stitches”.

The MSM are absolutely guilty here of framing the story to attempt to create news and inflame an already bad situation. They are far more interested in blaming Donald Trump’s tweets than reporting the truth about who George Floyd actually was. They are playing a massive part in creating racial division by turning a criminal into a martyr.

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Labour’s Antisemitism Problem

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