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These kids never hurt a “Dharawal person” in their lives. The BFD. Photoshop by Lushingon Brady.

In a stunning scene from Fred Schepisi’s The Devil’s Playground, a priest delivers a terrifying sermon on the torments of hell. The priest is played by author Thomas Keneally, who would later talk of his “feeling of outrage that at the age of seven we were lumbered with the neurosis of the confessional”.

These days, though, Keneally is a signed-up member of a new religion that is hell-bent (pardon the pun) on burdening even the youngest children with the “neurosis of the confessional”.

Several Australian preschools have been targeted by radio host Mark Levy after hearing parents’ complaints about their “woke” curriculum.

The 2GB host on Wednesday morning said he “couldn’t believe what I was hearing” in reference to a call on Tuesday night where a disgruntled parent complained to his colleague Chris O’Keefe of a childcare centre in the Sutherland Shire.

The caller, who has grandchildren attending the childcare centre, said kids were told to make sorry cards for the Aboriginal community, revealing they were quite upset about the classroom task.

Why are these toddlers being forced to ‘apologise’ to people to whom they’ve never done a single wrong in their young lives? And neither have their parents or grandparents?

How is this not child abuse?

Levy questioned: “How could any teacher think this was a good idea?” after playing back the audio of the woman named Kim.

“It was just outrageous. Their parents had to actually discuss the Sorry Day with them, they were very, very upset when they got home. Just talk about woke with a capital W,” the caller said.

“The little girl in particular, felt really guilty. She’s only four. In a roundabout way, I think that’s what (the kids) were trying to say that they did the wrong thing. As a grandma, I just said ‘You did nothing wrong, that’s all in the past, you have nothing to worry about, you’re kind little children.’”

But they’re white children. Which means, according to the Critical Race Theory doctrines clearly driving this abusive insanity, a sin in itself.

A follow-up message by a parent told O’Keefe’s program their children learned that “‘white men came here and took away the Aboriginals’ children’.”

“‘They chopped down all the trees and poisoned the waterways,’ [and] my kids asked me ‘Are all white men bad?’”

According to the Woke left, yes.

“So the stunt from the preschool forced the parents into a sensitive chat with the kids. Now folks am I out of touch? Is this what preschool education looks like in 2023?” he said.

More than we’d like to know, I suspect.

Levy said he received a message on Wednesday from the partner of an employee at a Sydney daycare centre and said the staff had held meetings about supporting the Indigenous Voice to Parliament and were “planning to use the centre to advertise the referendum”.

“How ridiculous,” Levy exploded. “Since when did preschools become political hubs?”

Clearly, he hasn’t been paying attention.

The host, who was filling in for Ben Fordham, continued his tirade after revealing wokeness for kids didn’t stop there. He then made reference to a climate change book specifically made for kids that discussed the ways humans are destroying the Earth’s atmosphere.

“This is the title: Climate Change for Babies. That’ll do me. Climate change for babies? I am lost for words. What a great way to terrify a child. Now early education in my view should be harmless fun, play in the playground, go and have some fun – all those sorts of things. We’re talking about preschool.”

Sky News

“Climate change for babies”? Sounds like the average IPCC report, really.
