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Get Rid of the Māori Seats

Democracy is one thing. Using it for vile purposes is quite another.

Photo by Wallace Fonseca / Unsplash


The time has come. In fact it is well past. No longer should the majority in this country have to put up with the violent rhetoric emanating from the mouths of racist reprobates who represent about three per cent of the voting public. I object to having my money used to pay people to give them the opportunity to spout dangerous inflammatory language against me and other Kiwis. If there was some truth to their claims one might be a little conciliatory, but what we are getting is nothing more than racist dialogue with no basis in fact.

Ever since they turned up to be sworn in post election, displaying theatrics aligned to their race, they have sought to inflict their despicable views on the rest of the population. The reality is we don’t need them or their agenda. What they want will never be implemented at least while this government is in power. The risk of Labour complying with their wishes should be a bottom line for voting to keep the present government. As Cameron said in a recent article, Labour need to totally condemn the type of language coming out of the Māori Party.

That is as unlikely as the Greens having the fortitude to kick Darleen Tana out of parliament. Labour knows it will need the Māori Party rabble in order to form a government. How they think they are going to get voter buy-in to that arrangement is beyond me. The saying once bitten twice shy comes into play. The reality for the Māori Party is only a small number of Māori vote for them. Most Māori are registered on the General Roll. What that tells you is they are not in tune with the verbiage coming out of the mouths of Māori Party MPs.

Debbie Ngawera-Packer excelled herself on Q+A recently. Her rhetoric, coinciding with the attempted murder of Donald Trump, was in complete contrast to what the world was requiring – a toning down of divisive and racist rhetoric. Not to be deterred, she piled in with exactly that and showing complete disregard for the situation at the time. She was too ignorant to even realise the stupidity of her actions. She rabbited on to Jack Tame spouting nonsense that the majority of us simply don’t believe. Nor should we. Her utterances are just not credible.

On Thursday I received correspondence from Jordan Williams of the Taxpayers Union. It was highlighting an email he had received in response to one he had sent out to members. The email was from the adult child of a well-known politician, no prizes for guessing which party, and contained foul language such that I will not repeat here. Jordan referred the email to the police but they were not interested. Are we surprised? This type of behaviour cannot be allowed to continue.

The Māori Party are not interested in anyone but themselves and the few thousand who vote for them. They are what one would term a waste of space and are taking up space in parliament that could be better utilised by MPs with a more mainstream approach. If these people are the best the Maori electorates can produce, then it’s obvious they have outlived their usefulness and should be disestablished. Neither ACT nor NZ First support them and if National were honest they would be of the same opinion. Therefore they should be dispensed with.

The country doesn’t need the likes of Debbie Ngawera-Packer and her ilk being paid to sit in parliament at taxpayers’ expense to insult those who are paying their salaries. If they want to pursue their separatist ambitions, then they should go elsewhere and fund their political agenda themselves. The world right now needs calm heads in positions of power, not radical politicians pushing their racist ideology. All Debbie is achieving with her inflammatory language is keeping the current government of ‘white supremacists’ in power, whereby they can carry on with their ‘genocide’.

I call on the coalition government to recognise these people for who they are and the threat they represent to the destabilising of our society. This is not a case of give them enough rope and they will hang themselves. This is a case of we need rid of them from parliament. The most effective way is to accede to the wishes of the majority of those who voted for them and set in motion the means by which the electorates no longer exist.

Democracy is one thing. Using it for vile purposes is quite another. The time is now.

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