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Get Woke, Go Broke: Footlong Version

Nothing says “entitlement” like demanding a pay increase for losing your employer money.

You’d think corporations would have got the memo by now. Gilette, Nike, Coca-Cola. From the biggest (Disney) to small companies (Black Rifle Coffee, Handsome Her Cafe), and Hollywood (Ghostbusters 2016, Ocean’s 8).

The lesson should be clear: Get Woke, Go Broke. But there’s always another company lining up to get a whack over the snout.

Enter, Subway.

Megan Rapinoe kicked up another round of controversy at the Tokyo Olympics — and now a group of Subway franchisees are pressuring the fast-food giant to give her the boot.

The 36-year-old, purple-haired soccer star — who kneeled ahead of a match before leading the United States to a bronze medal this week — began a stint as a pitchwoman for the fast-food giant this spring.

Subway franchisees are not happy about bearing the brunt of customers’ ire.

Late last month on a discussion forum hosted by the North American Association of Subway Franchisees, a Wisconsin store operator posted a picture of a hand-scrawled note from an irate customer taped to the front door of his shop.

“Boycott Subway until Subway fires the anti-American … Megan Rapinoe, the creep who kneels for our beloved National Anthem!” the note read.

“The ad should be pulled and done with,” the franchisee wrote of the Rapinoe spot. “It gets tiring apologizing.”

Subway is a franchise business: the parent company doesn’t directly own the stores, but it does run a national advertising fund, backed by a 4.5% charge on franchisees’ revenue. Store operators are angry that they’re the ones facing the backlash, especially in red states.

Last week, reps from the NAASF told members the group had already taken grievances over the Rapinoe ads to the company’s top management, led by Chief Executive John Chidsey[…]

“I had a bunch of franchisees calling me on this today,” a lawyer who represents Subway franchisees told The Post earlier this week. “They are trying to get the ads pulled.”

As always, the basic problem is that the suits at head office are too busy listening to 20-something Communications graduates instead of Middle America.

“Spending our money to make a political statement is completely and totally out of bounds,” an Arizona franchisee said on the NAASF blog about the corporate parent.

Another Midwest-based franchisee said Subway should have seen this coming before signing Rapinoe. In July 2019, she took heat for allegedly stomping on the American flag. Weeks earlier, she created headlines when she said she was not going to the “f**king White House” if invited to visit President Trump.

Donald Trump, with his unerring ability to wind up his enemies, lost no time trolling Rapinoe over the US women’s team’s third-place effort at Tokyo.

“If our soccer team, headed by a group of Leftist Maniacs, wasn’t woke, they would have won the Gold Medal instead of the Bronze,” Trump said in a statement. “The woman with the purple hair played terribly and spends too much time thinking about Radical Left politics instead of doing her job!”

New York Post

And big corporates spend too much time trying to pander to SJWs in New York and Los Angeles instead of listening to Mom and Pop in Indiana, Oklahoma or South Dakota.

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