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Get Woke, Go Broke – Next Day Guaranteed

Sendle’s CEO explains how every delivery will come with a detailed trigger warning. Image: Family Guy.

You gotta hand it to startup, Sendle – they’re really ahead of the curve when it comes to corporate virtue-signalling. Most corporates wait until they’ve actually established a reputation before trashing it by getting woke and going broke. Not the bright young things at Sendle: they’re determined to hoist themselves on their own petard, right out of the gate.

Postal upstart Sendle is throwing down the gauntlet to its Goliath rival Australia Post, challenging the government-run giant to immediately go carbon neural in the midst of an “imminent climate emergency”…

Australia Post this month said it would move to offset emissions for parcel products sent through its Post Office and MyPost Business channels…In response, Sendle said it would offset the carbon emissions from all of Australia Post’s domestic parcels for one day – a volume estimated to be 1 million parcels – to coincide with the youth climate strike.

Well, of course, they are.

Naturally, too, no self-respecting millennial’s ignorant virtue-signalling is complete without a fawning reference to Swedish sour-faced know-nothing brat, Greta Thunberg.

“Greta Thunberg said it well, that we need to treat this like an emergency now,” he said.

Greta Thunberg also says she can see carbon dioxide. Greta Thunberg is an ignorant child.

CO2 seen at Cottingley: Photoshopped image credit Pixy Concept credit: Cadae.

But, as always, when they babble about “carbon neutral”, what these hypocrites really mean is that they’re going to be pumping out just as much of that evil, plant-feeding carbon dioxide as ever, they’ll just plough their investors’ money into dodgy green scams.

Sendle’s offsetting process involved the purchasing of carbon credits, and investing in environmental projects around the world designed to reduce future carbon emissions.

Will that include dispossessing poor African farmers to plant “biofuel” plantations? Or shipping American trees to burn in Germany as “biomass”?

If the slew of negative commentary on media articles about this latest display of corporate wokeness is anything to go by, this start-up may have spiked their guns spectacularly.
