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The BFD. Photo by niklas_hamann on Unsplash

During the lockdowns, we gained a solid base of Basic level memberships. At only $5 a month, they remove all the distracting ads and support The BFD at the ground level.

Annual Basic membership is only $60 so many readers who discovered us during the lockdowns signed up for Annual memberships.

This provided The BFD with a huge boost as hundreds and hundreds of people in a very short space of time joined up.

Over the past three months, I have noticed that many Basic Annual memberships have expired. Normally readers upgrade to a higher level of membership or allow the membership to renew but this hasn’t been happening in many cases.

I’ll be frank…I am worried.

Basic memberships are an important part of our revenue. We need them to be renewed.

We were there when you needed us during the lockdowns and we will be there for you through election year.

Will you be there for us?

If your membership has expired go to your account, to update it.

If you haven’t got a membership yet please subscribe today.

We need to get back to basics and a Basic Annual Membership is only a small amount to you but means the world to us when many hundreds of you subscribe.

Many Basic memberships combined are the oil in our machine.

If you haven’t got a membership yet please subscribe today as your support is vital.
