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Melbourne, can you feel the diversity yet?

As Australia once again confronts a reality which never really went away — the gross overrepresentation of gangs of young Africans in crimes of shocking violence — the excuses are also once again flowing thick and fast.

The stabbing murder of a grandmother, in front of her granddaughter, for the sake of a mere fifteen-minute joyride in a stolen car, is grabbing the headlines, but it’s been a persistent issue for nearly a decade. Police, politicians, and the activist class have of course tried to draw a cloak of silence over the problem, but every so often an African — almost always a refugee or their Australian-born progeny — commits a crime so horrifying that it temporarily wakes Australians from the torpor imposed on them by the elite class.

Only to be told that it’s their own fault. They didn’t give the poor, hard-done-by Africans enough money, didn’t bend over backwards to accommodate their “culture”, didn’t give them free transport, were too “racist”, and so on.

A Sudanese mother, whose eldest son has been imprisoned for gang activity, says a lack of employment opportunities is driving the wave of gang crime in Melbourne.

Asha Awur told A Current Affair […] those who come from overseas are not given enough support or opportunity to establish themselves.

The lack of support is something she feels herself, telling the program her Centrelink payment is not enough to raise her children on.

So, “give us more money or we’ll bash and rob you”? We used to call that “extortion”.

The men who come from African nations like Sudan have fled traumatic upbringings and struggle to assimilate immediately into Australian culture.

She says the men feel ‘isolated and frustrated’ by their new lives, and often turn to crime as a way of combating their feelings and supporting themselves.

Ms Awur, a Sudanese mother of young children herself, says this is the case even for children who have moved to Australia.

Daily Mail

My late father-in-law used to tell the story of how he arrived in Australia from Malta, the most bombed place on Earth in WWII, with ten pounds in his pocket — which was promptly grifted off him by one of his own countrymen, who was clearly waiting at the docks in order to fleece new arrivals. So, there the new immigrant was, with no money, a couple of suitcases, and an eight-months pregnant new bride.

Did he complain? Demand Australia bend over backwards to give him everything on a silver plate?

After all, there were no free English lessons, no “cultural support”. The only housing they were given was a few months in a Nissan hut at Bonegilla migrant camp — refugee detention, indeed!

No, they started working, and built a new life for their children in a strange, new country.

Not one of them turned to crime.

The complaints from the Africans, though, just keep coming.

Australia, these African Muslims whine, is “a predominantly Christian nation”.

Well, whoop-de-doo. Imagine a Westerner moving to a Muslim country and whining that it’s not Christian enough. All they’d get in return is a good stoning.

“Some of these young people are going through cultural shock, some of these young people are here all by themselves, some of them are going through peer pressure.” [spokesman Joe Tuazama said]

Community leaders say they would like to be out with troubled youths on Friday and Saturday nights, offering them a free ride-home service to reduce violence.

However, they say they can’t without government help.


It’s always about the gibsmedat.

You know, there’s nothing stopping them moving somewhere else where the culture is more what they’re familiar with.

Other than the lack of handouts, of course.
