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Photo by Mayur Gala
University students spent the day eating raw onions, stacking V cans and attempting to put a shirt on with just one arm. […]

More than 1000 University of Canterbury students entered a competition to win a blue hybrid Suzuki Swift worth $20,000.

Ten students were drawn at random – and spent the afternoon competing for the car. […]

By 6pm, David – studying a masters of data science – had won the car and told Checkpoint he would be giving it to another student who needed it more than he did.

“What I’m looking to do is give it to someone else who is [less] fortunate than I am. It’s another student, a single mum, and I’d like to end up making sure she has it so she can end up selling it or do whatever she needs to help pay for her education.”


Read more here. Discuss it on The BFD.


Face of the Day

Face of the Day

In the expose, the broadcaster claims Harrods not only failed to intervene but also helped cover up allegations against Fayed.

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