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Girls with Autism Are Being Preyed On

Autism in girls can easily escape diagnosis. The BFD. Photoshop by Lushington Brady.

When you picture “autism”, you’ll probably picture Dustin Hoffman in Rain Man, or maybe some boy with weird mannerisms and a freakish maths ability. Whatever, you’ll absolutely picture a male.

Not without reason: autism is a condition which notably affects males. Males are four times more likely to be diagnosed as autistic. But it’s not exclusively male – not by a long shot.

Women get autism, too. If they are less likely to be diagnosed, though, it’s not entirely because the condition is so disproportionately sex-linked. Research has found that girls and boys exhibit very different autistic behaviours. Not least, that autistic girls appear to be more socially adept than autistic boys (appear being the key word: while autistic girls struggle socially, they will often work harder to overcome social awkwardness). Autistic girls’ similar obsessiveness is easily misinterpreted as typical girly faddishness.

Autism in girls can easily escape diagnosis. The BFD. Photoshop by Lushington Brady.

The difficulties women have with being recognised as autistic can lead to all manner of related difficulties.

It is predicted that for every 1000 women, 60 have clinical ASC and 48 of those women will not be positively diagnosed, therefore will not have access to any support they might need. Women with ASC are more likely than men with the same condition to complete suicide and, for ASC people under 25, one in four will have suicidal ideation.


As if all that wasn’t enough for autistic females to deal with, in the last five years, they’ve faced a whole new challenge. A much darker, creepier and potentially more damaging one than before: the gender whisperers.

More and more social scientists are noticing the high numbers of those with autism in the LGBT community compared with the neurotypical community. Concerned parents, medical personnel and pro-family commentators are speaking out about the fact that many kids and young adults are fast-tracked into “transitioning” into the opposite sex without any mental health analysis at all […]

Teens facing puberty, combined with a feeling of not quite fitting in or having many friends, being depressed and/or anxious, possibly being bullied and not expressing or understanding emotions well, could be attracted to all the attention, even applause, these days for announcing a new gender.

Western Journal

As de-transitioner “Lucas” relates,

“I was a star, or least I felt like it. The teachers absolutely adored me and used me as an example all the time. I got special treatment. I could never do any wrong. The other boys in my class didn’t bully me or anything. I guess I really enjoyed the attention so I started to embrace it and play it up a bit.”

According to Lucas his mother was enjoying the attention just as much as he was.


For the gender whisperers, it’s all a perfect storm, too. Why bother with months of difficult psychological evaluations and treatments, when you can just slap a “transgender” label on a troubled girl or woman and book them in for surgery (ker-ching!) to hack their tits off?

In a growing number of cases, underlying issues such as those above are often not even considered.

Some who transitioned and later regretted it describe no or close-to-no mental health evaluation, no consideration of family dynamics, no waiting period. One or two short visits where the child or young adult said they “believed” they are a different gender resulted in hormone prescriptions and scheduling surgery. Gender transition is now big business internationally […]

Tavistock, a “gender clinic” in the UK, was the subject of a 2018 Guardian article. A report by staff, as well as parents of young people who attended the clinic, detailed concerns over the speed and brevity of the intake and assessment process.

The growing evidence is that there is a very strong causal link between autism and “gender dysphoria”. In one meta-study, “gender-diverse” people were five times as likely to have autism as others. But women, as we’ve seen, are far more likely to go undiagnosed.

Rates of ASD or autism traits in these studies range from five per cent to 54 per cent among those with gender dysphoria, significantly higher than among the general population. Some researchers believe [the] percentage of young girls with autism who believe they’re experiencing gender dysphoria is actually higher, and that many of these females go undiagnosed.

Western Journal

It’s a tragedy and a damning scandal that so many young people, girls especially, are being fast-tracked into “gender-affirming care” (a double tautology) that will almost certainly leave them sterile, surgically and chemically mutilated and facing a lifetime of horrifying medical complications. Almost certainly, they will be mentally no better off, if not significantly worse, than they were before the gender whisperers got their vile hooks into them.

In years to come, this horrific scandal will be regarded with the same disgust and incredulity as the likes of the Tuskegee Syphilis Experiment.
