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Giving Protestors the Stick They Deserve

Shane Jones has waded into some protestors who have gifted him and NZ First some good headlines, and he is saying things to these losers we all are thinking.

Watching Shane Jones in full flight against womble protestors is hilarious, as he says what most of the country thinks.

Fossil fuel protesters advocating against the Government’s proposal to bring back oil and gas exploration have been caught on camera using a megaphone to shout in Resources Minister Shane Jones’ face.

Pressure group Oil Free Wellington said it planned to rally at Parliament and march along Lambton Quay to private natural gas provider Todd Energy’s offices today. The small group of protesters met Jones as he appeared to be walking to work.

“You’re a f***ing sellout,” one protester told the minister.

Group spokesman Michael Ducat said in a press release: “With the coalition of chaos Government pushing through laws to reopen new oil and gas exploration in Aotearoa, it is time to say no to their climate denial ... and to new fossil fuels.

“They don’t want to hear us. So they’re only giving people four days to submit on their bill. So let’s make them hear us,” Ducat said.

NZ Herald

We have heard quite enough from these losers and luddites. It is great to see them finally getting push back for their churlish antics and protests.

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