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Glasgow Green signboard close-up photography
Photo by Phil Reid

Sir Bob Jones

In November 30,000 delegates from across the world will descend on Glasgow’s spectacular Events Campus for 12 days, to attend the United Nations 26th Climate Conference. I qualify “from across the world” given the last one two years ago in Madrid had delegates from a mere 15 countries.

Depending on the degree of room sharing and with Edinburgh a 40 minute commute away, they will fit in.

This is good news for the city’s hotel business after the Covid crisis’s devastating impact on tourism. Glasgow normally receives circa 2 million visitors annually, with architectural tours being the main attraction.

But what will they do?

As with all conferences, nothing, other than listening to speeches and passing resolutions.

Those speeches could easily be supplied to delegates in written form without the need to travel.

The one common characteristic all the delegates will share is that someone else, namely taxpayers, will be paying for this jaunt. I have a home there and could offer to put on a cocktail party for any delegate paying their own way and suspect it would be a very quiet function.

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