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Queer Ideas. Cartoon credit BoomSlang. The BFD

In Douglas AdamsThe Restaurant at the End of the Universe, Milliways restaurant genetically engineers a bovine creature that not only wants to be killed and eaten, it’s sentient enough to tell you so. At least such a creature is under no delusions about its fate.

That’s because the creature, despite its death-wish, is intelligent. The Western “queer” left are too stupid to even comprehend that they’re offering themselves up for the slaughter. The same can be said for Western feminists.

Like a cow handing the man in the bloody leather apron a large, sharp knife and standing dumbly waiting, these bovine ninnies are too stupid to even comprehend that they’re cheering baring their throats to the butcher.

Eight people have been charged with using violence to cause fear in a group when they gatecrashed the Sydney Gay and Lesbian Mardi Gras parade. The pro-Palestinian protesters let off flares just in front of the NSW Premier Chris Minns and disrupted the proceedings.

Jumping over the barrier, the masked protesters carried a banner that read “Queer solidarity with Palestinian resistance” and lit red and green flares.

It’s the weirdest display of empty-headed, suicidal virtue-signalling since a “Women’s March” led off with a bunch of “pussy hat”-wearing, menopausal deodorant-dodgers chanting the adhan, or Muslim call to prayer. Apparently in utter ignorance of the fact that Islam completely forbids women from doing so. The reactions, had any actual Muslims been present, would have been most entertaining.

Similarly, one is given to wonder why these “Queer” activists don’t travel a few kilometres down the road to Lakemba mosque, and prance around in their sequined g-strings there.

The position taken by such Pride in Protest groups is incomprehensible. Throughout the Middle East and North Africa homosexuality is outlawed, directly or through offences described vaguely as debauchery or indecency.

In “Palestine”, more than almost anywhere else. Surveys show that 95% of Palestinians are opposed to homosexuality. The only thing they hate more in Gaza than a Jew, is a poof.

Just ask Ahmad Abu Mukhiyeh. If you can find his head first, that is.

He was abducted and beheaded in October 2022. The gruesome ritual was videoed and posted online. Hamas even shot dead one of its own al-Qassam Brigade commanders, Mahmoud Ishtiwi, in Gaza in 2016 on suspicion of him being homosexual.

Throughout the more fundamentalist Islamic world and among Islamist extremist groups, homosexuality is considered unnatural to their people.

If there’s one thing Muslim countries agree on, it’s that the shirtlifters have to go.

Penalties range from imprisonment to execution. Executions in Iran usually involve hanging people from cranes in a public square.

The most common practice in Iran is forced sex-change surgery. If men want to have sex with men, they are forced to undergo surgical mutilation — or be executed.

Beyond this official level is a brutal universe of persecution and vigilante violence. This extrajudicial violence has been particularly inspired by Islamist extremism. Islamic State celebrated its execution of homosexuals by throwing them from rooftops to amplify suffering. It saved bullets.

This technique has been preferred by Hamas in Gaza, but it also has resorted to beheadings and shootings.

So, is there anywhere in the Middle East that “queers” are safe? Yes: the one country they are so dedicated to vilifying.

By contrast, at any given time, there are around 2000 gay Palestinians sheltering, primarily, in Tel Aviv and Netanya. Israel runs an asylum-seeker program so these persecuted people can be placed in safe countries […]

Israel, on the other hand, has the most progressive attitude towards LGBTIQA+ communities in the Middle East.

They’re protected by anti-discrimination laws. They have adoption and same-sex inheritance rights. Israel recognises same-sex marriages. It has allowed gay people to serve in the military since 1993. There’s a large annual gay pride march in Tel Aviv, drawing about 300,00 people. It’s one of the largest in the world. You won’t see this anywhere else across the region […]

If you value LGBTIQA+ rights and safety, including that of gay Palestinians, then you’d better fervently hope for the survival of Israel and oppose Hamas with all your strength.

The Australian

If only “Queers for Palestine” would go and be queer in Palestine.
