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Image credit The BFD.

There were some interesting comments on my post from Monday – Luxon’s First Week. The post was intended to be about the attitude of the media to the new Leader of the Opposition, and how his media honeymoon lasted less than a day, but some of the comments were interesting and I would like to discuss them further.

Here is the first:

The next was a response to the above comment:

Okay… so where are we going with this? I probed a bit further, and here was the explanation that I was given.

So now we have got to the heart of the matter. The commenter, and some others, want a completely new party to overthrow the current batch of globalists and give us a party, “comprised of [sic] real Kiwis whom we all know will act in NZ’s best interest”.

I get it, and I don’t disagree. Like most of you, I am horrified at what is going on in this country, and the way the current government has taken its overall majority, not to “govern for all New Zealanders”, as was promised on election night last year, but to ram through divisive legislation under urgency, to lock us all in our homes for fear of a virus that 99.4% of people will survive and to create a two-tier society based on vaccination status.

I never thought I would live in a society that treated its citizens in this way, particularly as the virus itself is not particularly deadly, and those who are most vulnerable could easily protect themselves and allow everyone else to live their lives.

But it is all about control, isn’t it? It is all about governments drunk on power, with the ability to lock people up indefinitely, because they say so. Let’s face it, there is no other good reason.

I like the idea of a new political party that is based on nationalism. What is being discussed is the possibility of a party that acts for New Zealanders, and does not support the modern globalist trend.

Let me first say I am not a hater of globalism in general. It has been around for a few decades and New Zealand has benefited from it, primarily in the area of trade, but also in the mobility of skilled migrants coming to our country. There are good aspects of globalism too.

Globalism has brought literally millions of people out of poverty, particularly in the developing world. As Western countries moved their industries offshore, the beneficiaries of this practice were the local workers in poorer countries. Millions of them now live relatively decent lives, compared to their immediate ancestors. That is a very good aspect of globalism.

Ultimately though, it was the workers in the Western countries that paid the price. Stripped of most of our industries, productive jobs became scarce. Nowadays, New Zealand operates mostly in service areas – lots of professional roles, lots of low-level jobs doing cleaning, serving in hospitality and trades for local people, but not much in-between. The factory jobs, car manufacturing plants and production plants have all gone. From memory, this started under David Lange and was fast-tracked during the Bolger years. No wonder the former National prime minister is having buyer’s remorse but he needs to disappear from public life. No one cares about his opinion anymore.

The reaction to globalism is the reason that Trump was elected. He heard the message from Americans who felt they had been abandoned during the Obama era. Obama was proof that being the first black president meant nothing; he sat back and watched as more and more of his people went into hardship and poverty, even if he did get a Nobel peace prize for it. Liberal elites are brilliant at symbolism, but Obama is proof that, in the end, it means nothing. He left the country much worse than he found it, with the ‘deplorables’ getting the government that they wanted.

And just stop and think about the circus that prevailed after that.

Trump never stood a chance. The media were relentless in discrediting him for everything he did. The whole world seemed to unite in mutual hatred of the guy that had been voted President of the United States but if you asked them why they hated him so much, they rarely had a coherent answer. The ‘deplorable’ label stuck, with voters in the non-Democrat states being branded as ignorant and stupid. This is the power of the liberal elites. They have money, they have influence, they control the media and they can even rig elections if they want to. That is what happened in the so-called Land of the Free in 2020.

And now they have installed a president that cannot even control his bodily functions. What a joke. Not much better than Russia or North Korea, really.

Our local media are absolute masters at discrediting anyone that does not go along with the government spin. It is no coincidence that Jacinda Ardern decided to fund the media to keep them afloat during COVID. It guaranteed her their faithful support; they stay on their leads and do her bidding. People who don’t want the vaccine – voluntary though it is – are branded as crazy anti-vax nutcases, and most people go along with it. Logic doesn’t enter into the argument; the unvaccinated are the unclean.

So what do you think the media will do to a new party that is all about freedom? You know the answer. The only question is which branding will they use to discredit it first? Racism? Conspiracy theorists? Anti-vaxxers? White supremacists? There are lots of ways that the media will destroy the party standing up for freedom and individual choice. You only have to look at their treatment of Voices for Freedom and Liz Gunn to understand that.

When I was in my last years of school, I studied a lot about World War 2, including the rise of Nazism in Germany. I honestly could not understand how the Nazis managed to take total control so easily. Over the last year or so, I have stopped wondering. People just fall into line. The unvaccinated are dangerous. No one knows why, exactly, but they go along with it anyway.

The unvaccinated are not dangerous. Nor were the Jews, but 6 million Jews were slaughtered in the name of Nazism. The same kind of evil is growing right now. Don’t think that people today are any less conditioned to discriminate after being subjected to sustained government propaganda than the Germans were back then. This madness is happening right now. The constant divisive messaging of us versus them and the desirability of segregation is bearing evil fruit, and it is spreading.

There will probably never be an anti-globalist party here in New Zealand because the media will mock and ridicule them until they are destroyed. People here do not follow the mainstream media much, but I want to know what they are saying. Remember the old adage – keep your enemies close? Unbiased media disappeared a long time ago but a majority of people still watch TV1 News. Seven Sharp and then Masterchef (or whatever other inane programmes are on TV) every night. The brainwashing exists there.

Those of us wanting a new freedom party need to understand that it is like waiting for Santa Claus. Nobody actually comes down your chimney with gifts; you have to do it yourself. But good luck to you because the media will do their absolute best to destroy you and will most likely succeed. But you should do it nonetheless.

So, for now, what we need to do most of all is to get rid of this destructive, divisive government. The only option available to us at this moment is to vote National or ACT. Do not ever, ever, EVER fall into the trap of thinking that, by not voting, you are making some kind of statement. By your not turning up to vote, nobody will either know or care what your message is. There are enough people who will continue to vote for Jacinda and her government to make sure your message is never heard. All you will be doing is making sure that the despots get another term and I cannot believe that you really want that.

It’s your choice. Hold your nose and vote National. There really is no better alternative at this point in time, disappointing though this may be.
Image credit The BFD.

Getting rid of Ardern and her Labour Government that is destroying the very fabric of our once lovely country has to be our first priority. I don’t care what we have to do to achieve it, but one thing is for sure. Not turning up at the ballot box because you want to ‘send a message’ is the worst thing you can do. The next worst thing is to vote for a party that doesn’t get above the 5% threshold. Elections are lost by people who ‘take a stand’. In the end, the only thing that will bring an end to this destructive period in our lives is to vote the government out. Nothing else will do it.
