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Going With Your Gut Is Always a Good Idea

LiveBrew Q&A

What is LiveBrew?

LiveBrew is a fresh, live, and active liquid that contains high numbers of probiotic lactobacilli and the beneficial metabolites (organic acids, etc.) produced by those microbes. We guarantee there are more than a billion CFU (colony forming units) of our lactobacilli in every 100ml dose.

What does LiveBrew do? Why should I take it?

Your gut is home to an incredibly complex community of microbes that outnumber the cells in your body. This huge mass of microbes interacts with every system in your body, including your digestive, neurological and immune systems.

These microbes communicate with your body through a very sophisticated sensing network and even have their own direct line to your brain via the vagus nerve.

This means that your gut biology can affect far more than just your digestion and gut health. There is abundant research showing that a positive change in gut biology can improve sleep and concentration, skin conditions, mood disorders, and more. Many of our customers have reported positive changes in appetite and cravings. If you have a chronic health or wellbeing problem, supporting your gut biology is always a good idea.

How fast does it work?

The majority of our customers report positive effects before they have finished their first bottle, i.e., within ten days of starting!

How much do I take?

The recommended dose for adults is 100ml (or more if desired) per day. Children can take 50ml per day.

You can take your daily dose all at once or split it into smaller doses through the day.

Since many people report an increase in energy, we suggest starting with it in the morning until you see its effects in your specific case.

How does it taste?

If you are going to make a truly effective fresh probiotic, you have to keep the microbes happy. This means only using ingredients that lead to high numbers of the good microbes over a reasonable shelf life period.

We have experimented with natural flavours and sweeteners. We found that they all resulted in lower microbial counts.

Fortunately, LiveBrew is an effective part of a delicious and healthy ‘cocktail’ when combined with juice, smoothies or any cool flavoured liquid at the time of consumption.

Is LiveBrew safe for pregnant or breastfeeding mums?

Yes. LiveBrew is safe for pregnant and breastfeeding mums.

What is the difference between LiveBrew and Kombucha?

LiveBrew is a certified organic, microbial consortium (think collaborative ecosystem) of live probiotic Lactobacillus strains and Saccharomyces cerevisiae in a rich soup of beneficial organic acids produced by the lactobacilli.

At the end of LiveBrew’s shelf life there are 107 (10 million or 10,000,000) Lactobacillus cfu (colony forming units as grown on agar plates in a laboratory) per ml. Put another way, each 100ml dose of LiveBrew contains a minimum of 1 billion beneficial bacteria, live, metabolising and ready to do good all the way through the gut.

Kombucha is, at its best, a pleasant fermented weak tea vinegar (that’s what its name means). There is goodness in acetic acid, i.e., vinegar, and people have been extolling the virtues of cider vinegar for millennia. Some Kombucha have the word “probiotic” on the label as the use of this word is not regulated in New Zealand. One product claims to have Saccharomyces boulardii as a probiotic though the numbers present is not given and the only documented beneficial effect from some strains of this yeast is slightly improved recovery from diarrhoea.

What species of probiotic organisms are used to make LiveBrew?

Lactobacillus acidophilus

Lactobacillus delbrueckii ssp bulgaricus

Lactobacillus rhamnosus

Lactobacillus paracasei

Bifidobacterium lactis

Streptococcus thermophilus

Saccharomyces cerevisiae

Use the discount code BFD15 for a 15% discount on a first purchase of LiveBrew via our store at
