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Golriz Ghahraman’s Disgusting Smear

Photoshopped image credit The BFD.

Green list MP Golriz Ghahraman has tweeted a fake headline which can only be described as a modern-day iteration of the old Jewish blood libel.

This is not her first anti-Semitic action and sadly it won’t be her last. She has been called out on her demonisation and anti-Semitism previously and she has never apologised for it.

The mainstream media to their shame not only fail to call her out for her anti-Semitism some of them like the NZ Herald actually join her in smearing Israel.

The implication is that Israel has prevented the Palestinians from accessing the vaccinations. It is a vicious lie and one being spread by The Daily Blog and Kia ora Gaza according to a reader who sent the information to me this morning.

Here are the facts:

The Oslo Accords (Article VI, 2) between the Palestinian Authority and Israel stipulate that the Palestinian Authority is responsible for healthcare, including vaccinations, for Palestinians in their territory.

The Palestinian Authority has not asked for help from Israel

Israel last year held training courses for medical teams and lab technicians in Palestine and donated coronavirus testing kits

The Palestinian Authority has chosen to secure four million Russian-made vaccines against COVID-19 which they are expecting in February

Israel has vaccinated Palestinians who reside in East Jerusalem in line with the Oslo Accords

Israel’s vaccine operation has run in predominately Arab areas in Israel

The Israeli PM recently visited two Arab cities (in Israel) to encourage more vaccination

David Farrar Kiwi Blog

Golriz Ghahraman should not be allowed to get away with smearing the Jewish Nation like this and The NZ Herald, The Daily Blog and Kia ora Gaza should also be challenged on their fake news designed to demonise Israel.
