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Golriz Ghahraman’s Next Tweet?

American politics The Squad
“The Squad”

Golriz Ghahraman often gets her next attention seeking tweet content from American politicians and activists like “The Squad” and Linda Sarsour. Squad member Ilhan Omar true to her anti-Semitic and anti-Israel roots has this week introduced a resolution to support the Palestinian led BDS.

Democratic Minnesota Rep. Ilhan Omar says she will introduce a resolution this week supporting the Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions (BDS) movement against Israel.[…]

The move comes after President Donald Trump accused Omar and other progressive congresswomen of being anti-American. […]

Democratic California Rep. Brad Sherman told the Post on Wednesday that he doesn’t expect any movement on the resolution.
“I can’t imagine that any committee is going to mark up or take seriously any pro-BDS resolution,” he said.

The BDS is an anti-Israel activist organisation. They organise financial attacks and boycotts against any individuals, sportspeople, groups or businesses associated in any way with Israel just as the Nazis did. Their goal is to delegitimise Israel.

BDS is run by radicalised activists who have succeeded in influencing academics, students, politicians and social justice advocates by co-opting civil rights activism as a self-serving method to undermine the existence of a sovereign country.

The boycott movement’s will to fight Israel is political, but its means is psychological. They repeatedly use lies, such as the claim that Israel is an apartheid state, to advance their movement. If Omar’s resolution is successful it could potentially cost Israel billions of dollars.

Keep an eye on Golriz Ghahraman and Marama Davidson’s Tweets over the next few days. I suspect that, given the pair’s anti-Israel history, one or both are bound to tweet something in support of Omar’s anti-Israel resolution.

Golriz even when making an apology for gaslighting Jews on Twitter can’t bring herself to admit that Jesus and his mother Mary were Jewish. She has left standing her lie that they were Palestinian refugees, which tells you all you need to know about her character.

The fact that the Green party have supported her and have not condemned her lie tells you all you need to know about theirs.


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