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Good for You? Don’t Believe It

Image credit The BFD.

J M White

Certain creatures, including crickets, have an exoskeleton made of chitin – like crayfish or shrimps. Or scorpions. Chitin is not a protein and cannot be considered a source of protein. Protein is made up of amino acids, while chitin is made up of amino sugars. Claims that it is ‘like’ protein are deliberately misleading. Chitin is made of cellulose and keratin. Humans cannot digest cellulose. It is the roughage part of a plant which passes through the body and provides no nutrition. Keratin forms our hair and nails and we do not eat hair or nails either.

To digest this chitin exoskeleton, humans need to produce an enzyme called chitinase. We can do that, but humans already use chitinase  for controlling candida and keeping other microparasites – which also protect themselves with chitin – under control.

Only certain animals can eat insects with exoskeletons. Creatures like bats, tarantulas, wolf spiders, anteaters, birds or frogs relish them, but none of these has a digestive system or the same nutritional requirements as a human being. The addition of chitinous insects to our diet will deplete the chitinase produced in the human body. Chitin was never meant to be in humans’ food and those who eat it may well suffer grave consequences to their health.

Expect to see lots of nutritional breakdowns, graphs, statistics and gushing articles as the globalists’ media slaves prepare us to accept this new food. Believe none of them. And do not think for one moment that an army of little people will be employed to pick the chitin off the insects. They will be crushed whole into powder and called flour, and labelled as ‘pure’ when they should be labelled as ‘poison’.

Cricket farms are being established throughout the Western world. Owners and shareholders of these farms have a direct financial interest in the WEF plan to feed insects to human populations. There is no reason whatsoever to include chitinous insects in the human diet. It is simply a process of humiliation from malicious actors who have their own reasons for such actions and the introduction of pseudo-food deliberately designed to create general ill-health. Children fed this food will not thrive. Adults who consume crickets will feed their internal parasites and pathogens exactly what they need to become more resistant and resilient inside their body. The people who eat this foul mixture will become more prone to disease.

What we really need are trained people who have the tools to check the nutritional claims of everything that is on the shelves of the supermarkets.

Because of the dietary misinformation, additives designated only by numbers, and blatant lies regarding our food – and the determination of bad actors who are quite capable of carrying out such mischief – we need them right now.
