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The BFD.

When the UNIPCC released its Sixth Assessment Report, the usual gaggle of troughers, activists and media dimwits went into immediate hysterics. Clearly, none of them have read it — or, if they have, they’re either lying or just plain stupid. Or both. You decide.

Because, any clear-minded person scanning the report would surely think it’s mostly good news.

Sure, there’s the sort of stuff that sends the XR ninnies running around like headless chooks and glueing themselves to everything in sight. Temperatures could rise up to 1.5°C above pre-industrial levels by the 2030s! Um, well, OK, but… they’ve (apparently) already risen by about 1.3°C. Pardon me if I don’t get too excited about a whole 0.2°C.

It’s certainly seems strange to get all worked up by a mild one-and-a-bit degrees of warming when the outcomes seem so overwhelmingly benign.

We’ve never lived longer and healthier, and now have record grain crops around the world.

Indeed, this IPCC report admits there has been a “greening trend” – not surprising with more rain, warmth and carbon dioxide, all great for plants.

“Changes in vegetation productivity have also been observed, as well as longer growing seasons,” the IPCC report says.

More greenery and bigger crops has to be good for us. And if a warming world is better for plants, why not for humans?

But… but… the climate disasters!

Yeah, about that: sure, Greta, people are dying — but far fewer than usual. A warming climate is a net life-saver.

Not only does the IPCC concede that it can’t pin blame for floods on human-induced warming, they can’t even find much evidence that floods are getting worse.

This IPCC report also has trouble blaming humans for droughts.

“There is low confidence that human influence has affected trends in meteorological droughts in most regions”, although the IPCC still claims it has “medium confidence” that humans have “contributed” to “agricultural droughts”.


Extreme winds are becoming less severe, too. Which I suppose is bad news for all those twits who thought wind turbines were going to supply the power to cook their lentils.

The IPCC also admits it’s “a challenge” to identify trends in tropical cyclones, yet still claims a higher proportion may be more intense.

This, despite a study in the Journal of Climate which finds no such thing.

Of course, not all the news is good. But even the bad news is hardly “death sentence for humanity” stuff. After all, despite UNIPCC hand-waving about “fire weather”, actual wildfires have dramatically decreased by 24% over the two decades.

As for “heatwaves”, even those are a net boon. As The Lancet showed, people are 20 times more likely to die of cold than heat. In fact, it’s in green-powered Britain that thousands of people, mostly poor and elderly, freeze to death every winter because they just can’t afford the soaring power bills associated with “renewable” energy.

All in all, if this is our global warming future, it seems pretty good to me. Remind me again of what all the panic is about?

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State of the Nation 2025

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